fish emergency

  1. quinnARIUM

    What's happening to my Lemon Tetras!? Disease?

    Hey everyone, I have had 10 lemon tetras in a 20 gal quarantine tank for about three months while I was setting up their 75 gal. They were completely healthy in there and grew a ton! Then, about 4 days ago I finally moved them into the big tank. The big tank had only been set up for about 2...
  2. carligraceee

    My momma platy died giving birth..

    Hello guys! Recently, one of my momma platy has been consistently pregnant. She gave birth to two babies and I have been raising them for several weeks. Yesterday evening, she started showing signs of bloating/swim bladder malfunction. Because of this, I put her in a small bowl full of the tank...
  3. R

    Is my Mickey Mouse Platy Pregnant?

    I was looking at my fish today and felt like it’s stomach looks like it’s big and need to know if I’m going to need to watch out for babies so I can separate them when they’re born so they don’t get eaten. I’m wondering if anyone is able to tell! Thank you for your help!
  4. carligraceee


    HEY GUYS THIS IS SUPER URGENT! So my Dalmatian molly (Sherlock) was doing fine ever since I purchased him. However, I just purchased a new tank with a filter and heater. I set the heater to around 75 degrees and everything was fine until this morning. One of my girls went into hiding in the...
  5. W

    Water change mistake - please help

    My sister has a freshwater tank and was wanting to treat her betta who has finrot so I recommended aquarium salt in a water change. Unfortunately in the water change she forgot to include the stress coat water conditioner. This means she put in a water change of unconditioned water treated with...
  6. A

    Cory Catfish not doing well.

    i had recently performed a water change in my 37 gallon tank. My panda Cory catfish is not doing well and does not seem to want to swim probably, slower than usual, and has a little red thing on his belly. One of my red fire dwarf gouramis also died, I found him stuck to the side of my filter...
  7. A

    advise on white spot please

    Hi I purchased some fish last Saturday. I didnt realise they had them till it was too late and they were in my tank they had white spot. I started white spot treatment on my tank as soon as the shop opened the next day.Using WS3 original. I was hoping that this would stop my fish getting it as I...
  8. K

    Urgent: Sick Skunk Cory..please Help!

    My skunk corydora is in bad shape.. i'm not sure what's wrong with him and need advice ASAP! About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that the barbels on one of my skunk corys were almost gone (they are very short and stubby compared to the other cory). He was still eating and seemed okay otherwise, so I...
  9. Birdie90

    Worms In Tank?!?!

    I have a bottle filled with old tank water from my betta tank that I give once or tiwice a week to a couple of my plants. And I looked in th bottle today, it has worms in it, they're no thicker than a hair and are like an 1/8inch long. I've also noticed these weird things in my community tank...
  10. Birdie90

    Dinosaur Bischir Ate My Betta

    So looks like my Dinosaur Bischir decided to make a late night snack of my Betta. And my Betta was like 3 inches long and not the smallest fish in my tank. This isn't the first time either, I had a female Betta that everyone told me jumped out of my hooded tank when she went missing. Anyways is...