Fish Addict
(A busy morning) was getting a little tired of the 125 Roma look, so removed fish to my spare 40 litre, emptied water and removed silica sand (plants didn't like it)
put down a fine gravel/ large sand substrate, out with the bogwood, in with the mopani style wood roots, trying corkscrew vallisneria and put some Ludwigia Peruviana cuttings in as well, re used the Echinodorus 'Ozelot Green' (centre)
Fish will be reintroduced in a few hours
put down a fine gravel/ large sand substrate, out with the bogwood, in with the mopani style wood roots, trying corkscrew vallisneria and put some Ludwigia Peruviana cuttings in as well, re used the Echinodorus 'Ozelot Green' (centre)
Fish will be reintroduced in a few hours