Which tank should I put angels in?

Josh Q

Fish Fanatic
Mar 10, 2003
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I'm going to be setting up an 18G tall tank and a 25G long tank. I want to put angels in one of them with some other fish but was wondering if either one would be better than the other? Thanks.
did u want a pair , or a group? If u want to breed go wit the 18g wit no other fish or the 25 gallon would be good if u want a gruop of say 4-5 wit other fish. Most community fish should go alright wit them including gourami,swordtails, platies. Just make sure the fish aint small enough for the angels to eat.
How do you tell which angels are male/female? And if I decided to go with breeding in the 18, what are the best plants and wood (if any) to put in with them? Thanks.

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