Whats In Your Chamber?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 4, 2007
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My 24g nano has 3 chambers in the back, the 1st chamber has 2 sponges in (fills it up), the 2nd has 1 sponge in the botton and filled up with Fluva bio rings and bio balls (I have removed the sponge in #2) and in the 3rd I have the std. 1100lph pump with a 150W heater. I bought a MJ 1200 to add for more filtration but after I installed it (3rd chamber) and turned it on it looked like I stuck the garden hose in the tank...way too strong, the sand was blowing all over the place so I turned it off. So that brings me here today, I would like to find out a better way to run 2 pumps and have it still have a sand bed left over... :unsure:
14g bio

1) Heater, cut overflow the whole length of the divider between 1 and 2 also
2) Live rock, removed trickle tray at top and laid floss in place
3) mj1200, and removed sponge (could use more flow imo)

put stock pump in front-left corner pointing towards front right corner to get a flow going from stock outlet to the tank overflow.

I also put some small flat lr pieces in the two front corners to prevent erosion.
Chamber 1: SeaGel, Allgone, ChemiPure, stock pump, filter floss changed weekly
Chamber 2: Refugium with LR rubble, chaeto, temp and pH probes and external refugium lighting
Chamber 3: Maxxijet 1200, heater, HydorFlo

Bioballs, ceramics and all sponges disposed of.

Thanks for the reply's it give me a better idea of what others have and what works for them. SH I see you using Allgone are they the small pack or the big one's, why..cos a mate af mine gave me 3 boxes of the stuff but they all big packs for 120g + ?
Allgone is teabag size. I believe that they DO help to reduce nitrates. Experience varies tho'. SH

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