Fish Herder
I am worried about my community tank.
It all started on Sunday morning when I noticed white patches on the top of one of my platies. After googling and researching I figured it must be a fungus disease. That platy has been harassed for a while by some guppies, they started nipping her for some reason so I thought ok, maybe she is stressed and hence developed a disease. (I might be sounding very naive and dim here if I am totally wrong...) I was already thinking of putting her into another tank so she won't get harassed anyway.
Anyway, so Sunday night we did a 50% water change and added Interpet anti fungus and finrot.
All good for a few days.
Last night we noticed that virtually all fish and shrimps were on top of the water, like gasping for air (shrimps sitting on top of floating plants). Me in panic mode, thinking it might be ammonia poisoning. Checked ammonia and nitrite and both came back 0. Ok, it was late night so we went to bed hoping it would get better.
Today not much better. Did a huge water change, like 90% thinking it might be the medication. While we changed the water we found two dead shrimps
For a bit they seemed better, but now they are all back on the top and I have no idea what is going on. I don't want a total wipeout of this tank, they were my first fish and I really love them.
Some more info to help me determine the cause:
30 gallon
platies, guppies, cories, red cherry shrimp (don't know exact numbers there are a few juveniles in it, but about 15-20 fish in total, shrimps about 20)
Ammonia 0 - Nitrite 0 - Nitrate 10 - ph 7.4
Medium planted
Air wall
What could be wrong? What else can I do? Aquarium salt is the only thing I can think of at the moment.
It all started on Sunday morning when I noticed white patches on the top of one of my platies. After googling and researching I figured it must be a fungus disease. That platy has been harassed for a while by some guppies, they started nipping her for some reason so I thought ok, maybe she is stressed and hence developed a disease. (I might be sounding very naive and dim here if I am totally wrong...) I was already thinking of putting her into another tank so she won't get harassed anyway.
Anyway, so Sunday night we did a 50% water change and added Interpet anti fungus and finrot.
All good for a few days.
Last night we noticed that virtually all fish and shrimps were on top of the water, like gasping for air (shrimps sitting on top of floating plants). Me in panic mode, thinking it might be ammonia poisoning. Checked ammonia and nitrite and both came back 0. Ok, it was late night so we went to bed hoping it would get better.
Today not much better. Did a huge water change, like 90% thinking it might be the medication. While we changed the water we found two dead shrimps
Some more info to help me determine the cause:
30 gallon
platies, guppies, cories, red cherry shrimp (don't know exact numbers there are a few juveniles in it, but about 15-20 fish in total, shrimps about 20)
Ammonia 0 - Nitrite 0 - Nitrate 10 - ph 7.4
Medium planted
Air wall
What could be wrong? What else can I do? Aquarium salt is the only thing I can think of at the moment.