I'm giving up.... O2 issues??

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There's what's called conditions to everything said before...

Both TwoTanks and Tank1 are right in my mind.

There's no advice given by Both that are in any way counter constructive imo.

Tank1 gave his method and frankly. his answer is simple, straight to the point and as far as I know concurs with my experience. He also took account of the situation at hand and...

I must concur that it's perfectly possible to rinse a seriously clogged filter sponge and lose a great part of the bacteria in action in it. And cause ammonia or nitrite spikes or even both.

I think the problem was taken out of context. And suggested intervention by @Tank1 where indeed pretty good.
just an fiy... has anyone read the reviews for his water conditioner?
everyone going about ammonia and nitrite spikes...
most reviews for his water conditioner are reviewed at 2ish out of 5 with many people complaining about dead fish
I suggest you change it to prime...works and it's one less thing to worry about...
Or once everything stabilises and if the water company uses chlorine change to API Tap Water Conditioner. This doesn't detoxify ammonia so it's better to use Prime if tap water contains chloramine.
Q: how do rinse Poret® foam sheets?

A: the easiest way is outside in the yard or driveway using a garden hose. Simply bang the sheet flat on the ground several times (Note: I recommend not wearing your best outfit doing this) to shake out the filter sludge, then rinse with the hose; repeat until the water coming out is relatively clean. Don’t overdo it! Sufficient microorganisms will survive this procedure to quickly re-establish the biology of the filter. It does not matter if you use cold or chlorine-treated water! The often repeated notion that this process would kill all the filter organisms is complete nonsense, because the residual chlorine concentration in drinking water is way too low to kill them.
from https://www.swisstropicals.com/faq/

Tank Maintenance​

But what about the impact of tank maintenance itself on aquarium bacteria? Bacteria grow on surfaces such as aquarium glass and gravel, so what happens when we scour the sides of a tank with an algae magnet, or clean the bottom with a gravel vacuum? I’ve been told on a number of occasions that vacuuming more than half the tank bottom at a time could remove so many bacteria that the system could go into a secondary cycle.

Nonsense, says Strom. He explained that within hours of the time the bacteria begin growing, they lay down what’s known as a biofilm (“we used to call it a slime, but ‘biofilm’ sounds much more scientific!” Strom jokes) essentially gluing themselves to whatever surface they’re growing on. Over time, this biofilm can get quite thick, and in streams and other fast-moving bodies of water, its outer layers are sometimes peeled away by the force of water passing over them. But the tug of water through an aquarium siphon is too weak to have that effect, and even if it did, there would still be plenty of bacteria left behind to handle the tank waste. “Powerwashing wouldn’t get them all off!” Strom assured me.
from https://www.tfhmagazine.com/articles/freshwater/nitrifying-bacteria

What tank 1 wrote was simply not accurate. There is another article in Amazonas I read years back that essentially says what is above. It basically calls the bacteria more hardy than most realize. What is quooted above comes from two different PhD scientists.

So to those who are off base on what they post and then get called on it I say, "Don't go away mad, just go away." All will be happier, imo. And anytime the staff here gets tired of my posting the science and calling out misinformation feel free to ask me to leave. I have no problem with doing so of asked.

Isn't it amazing how I can post multiple scientific studies and opinions from experts to support what I say but those whom I may challenge to produce some science to support what they say never seem to be able to do so?

edited to fix a spelling error
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from https://www.swisstropicals.com/faq/

from https://www.tfhmagazine.com/articles/freshwater/nitrifying-bacteria

What tank 1 wrote was simply not accurate. There is another article in Amazonas I read years back that essentially says what is above. It basically calls the bacteria more hardy than most realize. What is quooted above comes from two different PhD scientists.

So to those who are off base on what they post and then get called on it I say, "Don't go away mad, just go away." All will be happier, imo. And anytime the staff here gets tired of my posting the science and calling out misinformation feel free to ask me to leave. I have no problem with doing so of asked.

Isn't it amazing how I can post multiple scientific stiddies and opinions from experts to support what I say but those whom I may challenge to produce some science to support what they say never seem to be able to do so?
You're still beating on the old lady.
As much as I value your opinion, you're a bit like me in the sense of not knowing when to stop
So I'm just going ahead and say it
Stop xD
This thread's now locked as it had gone in an unproductive direction.
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