What Heater For 46L Fluval Edge?


Fish Fanatic
Mar 12, 2013
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I've decided to get a Fluval Edge 46litre white. I know they aren't hugely popular but out of the two I was considering (the other was BiOrb Life 60) this seems to get more votes.

I want to see how I get on and if I find it too small or fiddly I can always buy something different.

Anyway, I've been searching around for a good price and one offer, after a lot of searching different websites, is that you get a free heater with it.

The choice I have been given is a Aquavital 50w glass heater or a Fluval E heater 50w.

Can anyone advise on which to go for please?
25watt anything?

I guess 50watt is fine, But the smaller the better in a tank of that size.
Fluvals tend to have more life in them but honestly a heaters a heater, you get what you pay for.
Make sure neither of them are pre-set as that is a pain.  It is a shame that this one is not offered as it is a great little heater, Superfish Nano 50W, I use this in all my Betta tanks.  The Fluval one looks cool, but not sure if it is pre-set?  Also go look at Amazon for some of the reviews, as that gives you a good idea too.
Keep us posted on your Fluval Edge project.  They are not bad if you know how to work around their limitations and keep stock low.  You cannot put Corys in an edge for example as they need to go to the surface to gulp air, plus it is fairly small anyway.  Any ideas what you want to keep in it?
BTW is this your first aquarium?
RCA said:
Make sure neither of them are pre-set as that is a pain.  It is a shame that this one is not offered as it is a great little heater, Superfish Nano 50W, I use this in all my Betta tanks.  The Fluval one looks cool, but not sure if it is pre-set?  Also go look at Amazon for some of the reviews, as that gives you a good idea too.
Keep us posted on your Fluval Edge project.  They are not bad if you know how to work around their limitations and keep stock low.  You cannot put Corys in an edge for example as they need to go to the surface to gulp air, plus it is fairly small anyway.  Any ideas what you want to keep in it?
BTW is this your first aquarium?
It is indeed my first aquarium - how did you guess? - and yes I am a little bit excited about it...And I know I definitely definiltey will be on here asking lots of questions because I know both the set up of any tank and the upkeep isn't that easy until you get more familiar, I know about fishless cycyling though as I know people ask that so I know I need to attempt that for a month or so.
Trying to decide on the tank as the first step was tricky but because I have no spare wall space for a stand it's going to sit on my sideboard so it can't be too too heavy so I thought a relatively smaller one would be fine thus me uming and ahing between the FE46 and Biorb60life... A lot of people have said get a similar sized one that is more taditional shape/look but I am a bit funny about things fitting the look of the room.
Mm in terms of fish I was thinking that I want some neon tetras possibly, I want really colourful fish to be honest, I saw a stunning deep blue betta at PAH recently. And I'd like maybe a bright yellow fish of some kind. Rainbow fish are pretty too.
I was also going to go with plastic plants as I heard that's not that great a difference and also heard that real ones don't grow so well in a FE.
So much to think about.
Well first of all

I would choose the Edge over the Bio-orb, because all of the maintenance of the filter etc., is done at the top, whereas with the Bio-orb it is done at the bottom.  My mate has the largest Bio-orb and says it is a nightmare to clean.  She uses BBQ tongs to get to the bottom, plus I think they distort the fish.  However, some people like them, and will sing their benefits I'm sure.
A lot of people have said get a similar sized one that is more traditional shape/look but I am a bit funny about things fitting the look of the room.
Out of interest have you had a look at the all glass aquariums?  They look good as they are minimalistic.  I am not steering you away from the FE as you probably have your heart set on it now, it is just for a first aquarium you may find it a little challenging.  Also, due to the opening you are limited as to what can go in there, as already mentioned.
Cardinals are better IMHO than Neons, as Neons can have Neon Tetra Disease, so I tend to steer clear of them.  Green Neons are generally hardier and smaller which are a better fit for the FE.  Although, you need a few and therefore I am sure they maybe unsuitable for the Edge - not sure w/o looking into it further.
... I saw a stunning deep blue betta at PAH recently. And I'd like maybe a bright yellow fish of some kind. Rainbow fish are pretty too.
Now some people will say an absolute NO to a Betta in an Edge, as they need to go to the surface to breathe.  Others will tell you the Betta figures it out.  Others will tell you that the water level needs to be kept low for the benefit of the Betta.  IMO I feel each Betta is different and you may have to evaluate it, but be prepared to drop the water level if need be.
You could look for a Yellow Betta, then you kill two birds with one stone as they say.  I tend to stay away from Veil-tail Bettas, although my old boy is one, they generally are not as healthy as some of the other types.  If you are serious about Bettas PM me, and I can give you more info.
Rainbows would be too big for the FE.
I was also going to go with plastic plants as I heard that's not that great a difference and also heard that real ones don't grow so well in a FE.
Silk are better than plastic, especially with Bettas, as their fins will rip on plastic.  Real plants will grow in the FE you just need to make sure they are the right plants for the lighting.  Are you looking at the FE46L model 2 or the original?
So much to think about.
Yup, and so much to learn along the way, but it is a good journey, and no matter what anyone says, take the information on board then use your own sense of style etc., as you are the one who must be happy with your choices.  Main thing is make sure that you do things that ensure the fish are healthy and happy.  Not sure if I have ever seen a
:) though.
NB: Can you put your location in your profile, it assists with advising you.
RCA said:
Well first of all

I would choose the Edge over the Bio-orb, because all of the maintenance of the filter etc., is done at the top, whereas with the Bio-orb it is done at the bottom.  My mate has the largest Bio-orb and says it is a nightmare to clean.  She uses BBQ tongs to get to the bottom, plus I think they distort the fish.  However, some people like them, and will sing their benefits I'm sure.
A lot of people have said get a similar sized one that is more traditional shape/look but I am a bit funny about things fitting the look of the room.
Out of interest have you had a look at the all glass aquariums?  They look good as they are minimalistic.  I am not steering you away from the FE as you probably have your heart set on it now, it is just for a first aquarium you may find it a little challenging.  Also, due to the opening you are limited as to what can go in there, as already mentioned.
Cardinals are better IMHO than Neons, as Neons can have Neon Tetra Disease, so I tend to steer clear of them.  Green Neons are generally hardier and smaller which are a better fit for the FE.  Although, you need a few and therefore I am sure they maybe unsuitable for the Edge - not sure w/o looking into it further.
... I saw a stunning deep blue betta at PAH recently. And I'd like maybe a bright yellow fish of some kind. Rainbow fish are pretty too.
Now some people will say an absolute NO to a Betta in an Edge, as they need to go to the surface to breathe.  Others will tell you the Betta figures it out.  Others will tell you that the water level needs to be kept low for the benefit of the Betta.  IMO I feel each Betta is different and you may have to evaluate it, but be prepared to drop the water level if need be.
You could look for a Yellow Betta, then you kill two birds with one stone as they say.  I tend to stay away from Veil-tail Bettas, although my old boy is one, they generally are not as healthy as some of the other types.  If you are serious about Bettas PM me, and I can give you more info.
Rainbows would be too big for the FE.
I was also going to go with plastic plants as I heard that's not that great a difference and also heard that real ones don't grow so well in a FE.
Silk are better than plastic, especially with Bettas, as their fins will rip on plastic.  Real plants will grow in the FE you just need to make sure they are the right plants for the lighting.  Are you looking at the FE46L model 2 or the original?
So much to think about.
Yup, and so much to learn along the way, but it is a good journey, and no matter what anyone says, take the information on board then use your own sense of style etc., as you are the one who must be happy with your choices.  Main thing is make sure that you do things that ensure the fish are healthy and happy.  Not sure if I have ever seen a
NB: Can you put your location in your profile, it assists with advising you.

I'd heard that the BiOrb round ones distort the view due to the curve of it,, the Life one I considered is actually a tall rectangle so probably not the same problem.
I did look at the Aquanano that was recommended as an alternative but the big light attached on top of it put me off, it's a shame as I liked the look otherwise.
Having just googled it the green tetra does look equally nice as the neon, I assume either, as well as the cardinal would need to be kept in a few so hopefully it wouldn't make a difference. I did see the cardinal as an option but the look was much the same as the neon tetra and as the latter was smaller I thought it better suited.
I definitely want a Betta, maybe if I put an air stone in or something that might help.
It's the 46 litre version in white I am going to get. I haven't seen 2 different versions of it though, just different colours, or do you mean the 23L compaired with new 46L or are there two models of the 46? Ok I'll look into silk as an alternative to plastic.
I'm in London UK, profile is throwing up error msg when I try to add location.
Iwantsomefish said:
I'd heard that the BiOrb round ones distort the view due to the curve of it,, the Life one I considered is actually a tall rectangle so probably not the same problem.
I did look at the Aquanano that was recommended as an alternative but the big light attached on top of it put me off, it's a shame as I liked the look otherwise.
Having just googled it the green tetra does look equally nice as the neon, I assume either, as well as the cardinal would need to be kept in a few so hopefully it wouldn't make a difference. I did see the cardinal as an option but the look was much the same as the neon tetra and as the latter was smaller I thought it better suited.
I definitely want a Betta, maybe if I put an air stone in or something that might help.
It's the 46 litre version in white I am going to get. I haven't seen 2 different versions of it though, just different colours, or do you mean the 23L compaired with new 46L or are there two models of the 46? Ok I'll look into silk as an alternative to plastic.
I'm in London UK, profile is throwing up error msg when I try to add location.
Ah yes, I know the Bio-Orb you mean, but I think the sides are covered so you get limited viewing.

Cardinals are a lot brighter than Neons, they also have the red going the full length of the body.
You cannot put an air-stone in the Edge as the bubbles will all get trapped under the glass i.e. one of its limitations.  Also, a Betta breathes from the surface so the air-stone would make no difference to the Betta, in fact it could cause it to tire as the current would be too strong.
From what I know of the Edge the version 2 has the updated LED strips which have white and blue lighting, the older model does not.  Check out the Hagen website for more info.
Suggest you may wish to do some further research prior to your investment, just to be sure on everything, as I would hate to see you give up if it all fails for you.
Go to the homepage of TFF, and then click on moderators at the bottom, then advise one of the Admin/moderators of your profile problem, as this needs to be looked at.  I think it was Paradise that was also having a profile problem at present so something may have potentially changed?
RCA said:
I'd heard that the BiOrb round ones distort the view due to the curve of it,, the Life one I considered is actually a tall rectangle so probably not the same problem.
I did look at the Aquanano that was recommended as an alternative but the big light attached on top of it put me off, it's a shame as I liked the look otherwise.
Having just googled it the green tetra does look equally nice as the neon, I assume either, as well as the cardinal would need to be kept in a few so hopefully it wouldn't make a difference. I did see the cardinal as an option but the look was much the same as the neon tetra and as the latter was smaller I thought it better suited.
I definitely want a Betta, maybe if I put an air stone in or something that might help.
It's the 46 litre version in white I am going to get. I haven't seen 2 different versions of it though, just different colours, or do you mean the 23L compaired with new 46L or are there two models of the 46? Ok I'll look into silk as an alternative to plastic.
I'm in London UK, profile is throwing up error msg when I try to add location.
Ah yes, I know the Bio-Orb you mean, but I think the sides are covered so you get limited viewing.

Cardinals are a lot brighter than Neons, they also have the red going the full length of the body.
You cannot put an air-stone in the Edge as the bubbles will all get trapped under the glass i.e. one of its limitations.  Also, a Betta breathes from the surface so the air-stone would make no difference to the Betta, in fact it could cause it to tire as the current would be too strong.
From what I know of the Edge the version 2 has the updated LED strips which have white and blue lighting, the older model does not.  Check out the Hagen website for more info.
Suggest you may wish to do some further research prior to your investment, just to be sure on everything, as I would hate to see you give up if it all fails for you.
Go to the homepage of TFF, and then click on moderators at the bottom, then advise one of the Admin/moderators of your profile problem, as this needs to be looked at.  I think it was Paradise that was also having a profile problem at present so something may have potentially changed?
Cardinals it is then...
Yes it definitely has white and blue lights, I think the 23 there's an old and new version, the 46 has only ever come with the LED as I understand it as it's only been around one year or so.
I'm pretty sure on my choice, going to order it next week or so I think so I can be at home on a few days off to sign for it. Just need to find out which is the best heater of the two the guy offered me to go with said tank.
I'll check on that, it might be a temp internet problem.
I won't give up, if I need to buy different things or what not at a later date, that's fine by me.
Apprecitate your help thus far.
Do not rule out Green Neons as they are smaller and I do not think they get the Neon Tetra Disease - anyone?
Cool, well best of luck with it, please read about Fish-less Cycling as this is the best way to prepare your aquarium for the fish.  Be patient as in the long run this is what makes it a success.  I think you will be pleased with the FE, it is a nice tank, but there are many that would not have one.  If you are prepared to stock it carefully and keep up your regular WC's etc., you will find it a great hobby.
I would recommend you get the API water test kit, about £20, as you will need this to monitor your water quality, especially during the cycling process.  Get the liquid test kit, not the test strips.
Good luck, oh and don't forget to start a journal on your new project :)

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