What floating plant should i get.

hmm i personally wouldnt get a floating plant if you mean the small leaved sort that tend to cover the surface. they tend to cover the surface stopping light from getting to the other plants and can stop the fish getting at their food if left to go out of controll. but im prolly getting a bit sleepy now.
this will be the only real plant in a 10 gallon tank and i don't wanna have somethin that is not floatin.
sorry for the improper language. Someone please reply. Does any1 know any info. Any info would be helpful. :D :D :D :D :D :D

I use Hydrocotyle Leucocephala (details on Tropica's site here). Once established it grows quickly and will cover the entire surface if you are not careful. It will need pruning at least every two weeks or so. I find it is useful for providing hiding places for fry and shaded areas for fish that don't like the lights too bright, but as Jamnog says you do need to be careful that it doesn't block out the light or catch food.

I bought one about 5 months ago and it grows quickly enough that I now use it in all my tanks and still have to regularly throw some away. At the moment I have two strands that have found their way out of the back and have grown long enough to get to the front of the tank on top of the hood.... must be time to prune again.

Cheers, Eddie
If you want something really easy that wont get covered in algae, wont get eaten by your fish and looks good then you could always try some Hornwort.

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