what fish go with what?? help!!!


New Member
Jun 1, 2004
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right i have just stared keeping tropical fish and i was wondering what goes with what? i have three guppies just now to start off with. what other fish could live with guppies? i like the neon tetra's but would they be ok with guppies? or would angle fish be ok? i no not to keep angle fish and neon tetra's together but what one if any would be ok wi guppies? I like the colourful fish so any suggestions like that would be great, thanx! :D
Neons and Guppies go well together, remember that neons like to be kept in groups aswell...as for the angels...i would only consider them if you have a fairly big tank.

Other fish that could go with guppies are Mollies, Platies, Swordtails..theres loads of em..Im sure your LFS would be more than happy to tell you what can go with what as well. :thumbs:
i've had the tank set up for bout 5 weeks, last two with real plants in it. my lfs said this would be ok. i only added the guppies yesterday.
So it hasn't been cycled. If this is the case then you are about to cycle your tank using guppies, not the best choice but it may work. I usually used platies or zebra danios as they are extremely hardy fish. I would suggest that you not add any more fish until the tank is cycled. Also please read this before going any further with the tank i think it will explain a lot and save you a lot of grief in the near future. HTH :)
it works :) dont worry it'll be ok , i've started with 4 guppies 2 and 2 , and 2 cory cats in my ten gallon and none of them died :) i didnt know about neon tetras and angel fish...... i have them together in my 29 .....
The reason for concern with neons and Angels is that neons are their natural diet in the wild. I've seen lots of people keep them together though, so I don't know if this is always true. :dunno:
The reason for concern with neons and Angels is that neons are their natural diet in the wild. I've seen lots of people keep them together though, so I don't know if this is always true.

i'v kept neons and angels together in the past with no losses...maybe due to excessive breeding angels are starting to loose their wild instinct? :dunno:
Doggfather said:
The reason for concern with neons and Angels is that neons are their natural diet in the wild. I've seen lots of people keep them together though, so I don't know if this is always true. 

i'v kept neons and angels together in the past with no losses...maybe due to excessive breeding angels are starting to loose their wild instinct? :dunno:
Yeah, that's why I said, I don't know if this is true, I've seen so many people keep them together. I just added that because when people say they have concerns with Angels and Neons, that's usually what they are referring to. :p

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