What fish do you think is underrated?

I can't believe people have neglected to mention this: NEONS! SO OVERRATED IT ISN'T FUNNY! Everyone likes to say they are the most popular fish on the planet and one of the hardiest but in my opinion they suck. cardinals are way better. And Dicus are most definitely NOT ugly. They are gorgeous fish, with peaceful and intelligent, if not a bit shy, dispositions. They truly are the epitome of freshwater fishkeeping. If you can keep a nice school of Discus alive and healthy in a tank for an extended period of time, I salute you. This is, IMO, how success is measured in this hobby. :p Oh yeah and plecs are overrated. They're ugly as hell and don't do sh**, other than suck on the glass.
plecoperson said:
Over rated - corydora - very ugly fish and they grub about in the muck. Bettas are also over rated - too weak to live with most other fish. waste of money. as were the ADFs which lasted about a week.

Under rated - shrimps! not that theyre fish - rasboras especially harlequin - i dont know why people dont love them! swordtails.
Bettas are tough as nails. How do you think they survive in that cup? If they died on you it's your fault, not their's, or maybe the store you bought them from. I've had my betta for a while and he's one of the most active and healthy fish in my tank.
Oh, I would have to agree with shelldwellers being underrated as well. Alot of marine fish are underrated too IMO. Especially frogfish and seahorses, both of which I hope to get pretty soon.
The single most overrated fish is the siamese fighter, big rep little action.
Cant even keep the good looking ones(males) together.

Discus as mentioned are boring and too expensive.
Kribensis are possibly the ugliest fish - in terms of appearance and disposition of any fish ive kept.

How can you bag the oscar? Its the fish that got many of us into the hobby, they are responsive, active, beautiful and did i say responsive.

Oh yeah and how can you say that neons suck whilst cardinals are way better. There almost identical in appearance - and if you are close enough to see the difference its probably a good indication that your tank is too small and requires you to focus on such things as the length of a stripe to try to entertain yourself. Im not saying cardinals aren't better but come on! Neons don't suck. And cardinals cost twice as much.

But imo the true other true overated fish has to be the flowerhorn, what an ugly abuse of our brain power and skills creating freaks and charging ridiculous prices for them. This is the end of my rambling right . . . . . . . . . . . now.
Oh yeah and how can you say that neons suck whilst cardinals are way better. There almost identical in appearance - and if you are close enough to see the difference its probably a good indication that your tank is too small and requires you to focus on such things as the length of a stripe to try to entertain yourself. Im not saying cardinals aren't better but come on! Neons don't suck. And cardinals cost twice as much.

Neons are so inbred and mass distributed that they contract disease easily and have significantly shortened lifespans. Cardinals are not as popular and are not as mass produced as neons.
I agree with you on the flowerhorn though. The fact that a fish like that has been created and then sold for ridiculous prices is outrageous.
I don't have any opinions on underrated and overrated fish because I do not feel I have been keeping fish long enough to have an opinion. I will say however that I am slightly disappointed in my Boesmani rainbow fish and Head & tail light tetras, although that does not mean they are overrated.
overated ~ bettas very boring................. and plecos(UGLY)
underated~ bala sharks very hard and fun fish for a community!!!
SirMinion said:
David said:
plecs are overrated. They're ugly as hell and don't do sh**
Oh believe me my friend, that's one thing they do in excess!

And ugly? Sure! that's why I love 'em!
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I had that bit copied ready to say the exact same thing!!!!
Over-rated would have to be those filthy flowerhorns, if non-hybrids aren't pretty enough for you buy a painting!

Under-rated is everything if not kept in ideal conditions, even 8 zebra danios are amazing to look at if kept in a 125l tank on their own.
I think a lot of community tanks don't allow fish to behave in a natural manner.

I only came to this conclusion today! I thought id pop my zebras into my new 125litre tank so I had something to watch, as my tank is next to my plasma, just for the day 'till I start non-fish cycling tonight.

over-rated - discus (bin lids), Angels and the Zebra Plec (and I'm an absolute plec lover just think these are over hyped.)

under-rated - Ctenopoma Acutirostre, spiney eels
underrated, gotta say snakeheads ;D

overrated, gotta say corydoras as well =/

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