
New Member
Dec 29, 2016
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Hey I just got into the hobby an am having lots of fun with the diy aspect. I've gotten a 30 gallon and a 55 gallon stand builds under my belt.
So I decided to try to do something a bit more... lets say ascetically pleasing lol. Here's what I've come up with. 2 designs. you can either add the hood or leave it as a stand. I would like to get some opinions on it. an if asked for I can give you the sketch up document.


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I think that stand would look great housing a saltwater reef most anywhere. I would opt for a light oak and maybe add a few real trinkets in the cubbys/shelves at the bottom.

Like maybe a nice conch shell


Or a dried out Puffer fish :)

Looks great. Will you have a hang-on-back filter or a canister filter?
Looks great. Will you have a hang-on-back filter or a canister filter?

Looking to do a canister, this one design is for my 55, so its quite small but I can manage to fit it inside either shelf with holes I can drill out. Right now I have a hang on the back unfortunately. I can make these for a decent amount an it would cost a lot less than the petco brands. Think people would be interested? Deal is too it's all real wood I make these out of. no MDF or **** like that. pure hardboard.
I made my own stand out of birch because I couldn't find any I liked. I will be putting doors on it to hide the filter underneath (not completed yet)
LOOKS GREAT! I just don't see the reason behind the four corner pieces of timber - cosmetic probably?

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