What Do You Do With Dead Fish?

Suprised no-one has said Dry them.

Little fish I Flush, But Nicer fish that I like get dried out and kept in a Ziplock Bag along with the rest of my dried out fish collection.
Have quite a few fish now dried out.
So Far I have a few Reed Fish, Balloon Rams, Mollies, Senegal birtchir, Giant Betta, Imbellis Betta.

Well as Long as the wife does not find them that is.

I had put one of lmy Larger Sailfin Plecs out to dry but the wife found it and binned it. Was Looking Lovely
I might try de-fleshing a fish one day and posing it using floristry wire.
I have to say I am quite surprised that some people EAT their dead fish, or were they just jokes? Sorry if I'm a little slow today :lol: my normal IQ is 144 :D

it was a joke lol i hope i think
Suprised no-one has said Dry them.

Little fish I Flush, But Nicer fish that I like get dried out and kept in a Ziplock Bag along with the rest of my dried out fish collection.
Have quite a few fish now dried out.
So Far I have a few Reed Fish, Balloon Rams, Mollies, Senegal birtchir, Giant Betta, Imbellis Betta.

Well as Long as the wife does not find them that is.

I had put one of lmy Larger Sailfin Plecs out to dry but the wife found it and binned it. Was Looking Lovely
I might try de-fleshing a fish one day and posing it using floristry wire.

I have a horrible image of a horror movie type dead fish collection hidden in your cupboard o_O
well, my peacock bass i just throw in the bin.. hoho :p

well, my peacock bass i just throw in the bin.. hoho :p
This is like listening to first graders, really, poop isn't treated, comes right back to us untreated? Never heard of water treatment plants? If you bury it into the ground, the potential disease could get into someones well water. Flushing a deceased fish friend is the best way to dispose of it. It's gone, not eaten by wild life if barried. What about that plastic bag someone said to bury it in? That could take 10years to decompose. My money(not much) is on flushing. Twofish
Would never flush fish, just disgusting lol. If something happens to the drains, the last thing you need is dead fish blocking them up or starting a blockage. Plecs especially as their skeletons are solid and could easily get caught up and then it would cost an absolute fortune to fix problems...

I just binned them... easy to have rolls of the degradeable bags for vegetable scraps and bin them in one of those. Have stuck them in the sealed compost bin before as well lol. Would also bury them depending on why they died, i cant think of anything they might carry that could pass onto any other animals.
yeah lol.. Better give it to a cat. Natural chain. hahahaha
Give them a kings death and incinerate them on the fire.

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