Favorite fish foods

The all they can eat in 5 minute rule is garbage when it comes to Cory's and Pleco's. If I lived by that rule they probably would not eat.
This is true. My corys do not immediately go after food like my other fish. They take their time getting to it. I kind of estimate how much food to give them based on the two eyes rule. And a little extra to compensate for what gets eaten by the other fish.
Soldier fly larvae foods, and repashy foods have changed a lot when it comes to not live, prepared foods.

I used to buy inexpensive two pound bags from Ken's in the eastern US, and fish grew beautifully on it. You don't need top of the line foods for ornamental fishkeeping. My fish lived long and well on cheap bulk flake. Their colour flake was great stuff for rainbows.

But for breeding, the food really makes a difference. And since a fish in top notch health should breed, that says something. I could breed the easy species on old school foods, but for the difficult ones, the only flake I would use is soldier fly stuff. No insectivore fish will produce eggs at its maximum for quantity and quality on flake of any sort though. Live or frozen is needed.
I am much like everyone else-
1. flightless fruit flies
2. various pellets & flake (bug bites or tetra)
3. frozen blood worms
4. freeze-dried tubifex worms

The one thing I do that is kind of unique is make my own food. I got the recipe from aquariumscience.org - (here's the article- it's way down in the article)
The recipe I use now is -
2 eggs
1/2 tsp spirulina
1/2 tsp paprika
1/2 tsp astaxanthin
1/2 tsp marigold powder
1/2 tsp carrot powder

I cook all that and then mix in and smoosh up some flake fish food

Spread it all out in a ziplock bag and freeze. Then I pull out little pieces, smoosh it up in some water to make smaller pieces and feed.

Makes the orange and reds pop in fish that have them.
Pretty new to this but this is what we feed:
Bug bites, shrimp pellets, algae wafer and flakes mashed up with the mortar and pests 3 times per day, lightly. Every third day a slurry of frozen brine shrimp and blood worm is subbed for one feeding. Smashed algae wafer couple times a week before bed.

Likely overfeed in my opinion but Linda thinks I am starving them.
Soldier fly larvae foods, and repashy foods have changed a lot when it comes to not live, prepared foods.

I used to buy inexpensive two pound bags from Ken's in the eastern US, and fish grew beautifully on it. You don't need top of the line foods for ornamental fishkeeping. My fish lived long and well on cheap bulk flake. Their colour flake was great stuff for rainbows.

But for breeding, the food really makes a difference. And since a fish in top notch health should breed, that says something. I could breed the easy species on old school foods, but for the difficult ones, the only flake I would use is soldier fly stuff. No insectivore fish will produce eggs at its maximum for quantity and quality on flake of any sort though. Live or frozen is needed.

I'm getting my EBO stuff from Nature2aqua.com. they ship from Germany to anywhere in the world through DHL. I got triple the amount of food for the price of 1/3rd here in the states.
Gonna give the Fluval bug bites color enhancing a try, the granules. I was gonna buy the 4.4lb bucket for $67 but I don't have a vacuum packing machine and I'm afraid it will go bad before I can use it. I really need to invest in a vacuum sealer. The EBO food also comes in kilo sized packs and makes much more sense dollar for dollar but again if you can't use it in the recommended 11 months there's no point.

Any of you vacuum packing fish food and storing to save a few bucks?

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