What Interesting Fish for 29 gallon tank?

Iriatherina werneri
Pseudomugil gertrudae, paskai, luminatus
swordtail characins, splashing tetras
Crenicara filamentosa, Apistogramma cacatuoides
An unusual Betta species, licorice or chocolate gouramis
to tag on to @Wills ... post, I have a group ( 5 ) of Panda Garra's, & they have become Mrs. favorite fish, easy to keep, outgoing, & playful, & peaceful... she always sits at the tank, until she finds all 5 of them, when they see her, they always come up and say hi...

I also have a couple Spotted Amazon puffers, & they know me, & come begging for food, whenever they see me... I'm sure there several fish that are that personable, but there is a lot of satisfaction to keeping a fish like that, as opposed to one that hides, when ever they see you...

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