What Do Shrimp Do?


Sinclair Aquatic Systems
Jan 10, 2006
Reaction score
United Kingdom, Scarborough
i was at the lfs the other day and i was watching one of the marine tanks and saw a bright red shrimp in there. a fire shrimp or something like that. a smallish purple and orange fish sort of made some sort of gesture to the shrimp (it started facing up wards), the shrimp climbed onto the fish and started doing something to it. this only lasted for about 6 seconds and i thought it would have been cleaning it.

do freshwater shrimp do this? and if so, what shrimp/fish work well?

also, whats the most colourful fish i would be able to get for a freshwater tank?

Most colorful fish... hmm... neon tetras, bolivian rams, bosemani rainbowfish, and cardinal tetras would probably fit into that category, as well as rummy nose tetras and zebra danios.
You probably saw Lismata Debelius no freshwater shrimp perform the cleaner function, There is an african fish that performs a cleaner function for hippos, but no shrimp, parasites are not a constant in fresh water like they are on reefs.

As for the most colorful freshwater fish Apistograma cichlids are very colorful, if you want to do a Faux SW tank I would suggest tanganykan cichlids.

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