What are you doing today?

Need I to say more? And I even don't like bats for lunch.


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Not trying to impress anyone.
I just don't see why you have to say you speed knowing it's against the law and then say "fastest I've gone is 101".
Like I don't think anyone is going to react positively to that.
I know I'm not gonna be like: "Oh wow that's awesome please tell me more."
I've seen and felt the damage from someone just going 40mph. 101 You or someone else is dead
I just don't see why you have to say you speed knowing it's against the law and then say "fastest I've gone is 101".
Like I don't think anyone is going to react positively to that.
I know I'm not gonna be like: "Oh wow that's awesome please tell me more."
I've seen and felt the damage from someone just going 40mph. 101 You or someone else is dead
I did it in a safe place. Ok?
I'm reading that WWll book now... Hopefully it's more cheerful in this chapter.
But it's not looking good so far...
Well for those wondering... No, it didn't get better. There was a bombing run near them and a lot were injured... Dangit
I noticed something about my gudgeons. A lot of places say that peacock gudgeons don't like high flow a lot but out of curiosity I did speed the flow up to max to see what they'd do. The max setting isn't a lot but it still produces a fair amount of flow.
My male came out of hiding in his male cave and went directly into the stream. He stayed in the stream and was actually playing in it. Then Betsy tried it a little and seemed to enjoy it.
Captain Nemo also went up directly to the output section and was trying it.
They could have hid from the flow of water and got all stressed but no their loving the flow and the speed boost they get when they go with it as well. It's like their version of a slide...
Noticed this with plakats too... Supposedly they don't like flow but they often love it!
Noticed this with plakats too... Supposedly they don't like flow but they often love it!
Pretty interesting!!
Fish have that mentality of wanting to go fast and feel resistance as well I suppose! They have a treadmill and a speed boost all at once 😂
I'm studying Ancient Greek... Grammar is very ok but l'm lost in translation...
I'm studying Ancient Greek... Grammar is very ok but l'm lost in translation...
Oh that's really cool. So you are actually learning the ancient Greek language?
I'd absolutely love to be going to school in Greece then 😂
yesssss and it's a pain. lt's quite cool but still a pain lol
I ysed to take Japanese. Writing their language is literally an art. I've forgotten most of what I've learned (long time ago) but it's HARD.

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