Tonight is sketti and meatballs as I have no choice if I am to keep my honor.
Some posts back I stated that I had 3 frozen vacuum bags with meatballs and some sauce for subs along with 1 bag of sauce and balls for pasta. Turns out I have 2 bags of balls and sauce for pasta instead of 1. To keep my honor and not be a liar I MUST get rid of the extra freezer bag of sauce. Pasta and red sauce... well Alfredo also fits... but for me pasta is its own food group.
Still there is a problem as to the pasta. There are three choices, thin sketti, medium pasta shells and cheese mini ravioli. This will be last minute decision.

The thin sketti is fun to twirl while the shells are like little spoons to hold the sauce but the raviolis are filled with cheese which is never a bad thing. I have a favorite brand of ravioli, Celentano, that is REALLY good but I wish they offered a ricotta and spinach. Sadly it is just cheese or meat and I go with the cheese. Still REALLY good stuff!
I have all my food delivered between Omaha Steaks for most meats but there are exceptions such a a large bag of frozen raw chicken wings that are really good. I also get SOME veggies from Omaha Steaks, their Brussels's Sprouts are to die for.
I also have orders delivered from my local grocery. From the grocery I get things like fresh produce which is always very good and fresh. I DO get some meat from my local grocery but not often.
Anyway I just added an item to my next local grocery order. Added a pound of their in house pizza dough which is surprisingly good. I'll cut the dough in half and two of my remaining bags of meatballs for subs will become calzones.
My local grocery has a pretty good deli with REALLY good fried chicken that is not brought in frozen but fresh breaded and fried in the deli. They just don't have good deli cut meats. Can't off the top of my head remember the brand they use but pretty much everything I've tried is like a salt bomb. I wish I could get the Boar's Head brand of deli meats but it is just not available here. When it comes to getting deli meats sliced Boar's Head rules the pack!
BTW! Thin sketti pasta has won the war of what pasta is for tonight.