

Fish Fanatic
Nov 30, 2013
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Well... after my lil boy hannibal passed(still not sure how), there was a hole in my tank I had to fill. So I went and bought this lil guy. Everyone meet the most difficult fish in history to photograph, Haku.

His belly is a little pudgy because he just ate, then he went and ate some of the algae tablet like the little glutten he is. It took me three days to get this picture...
Mamashack said:
Haku is one lovely fish, scrage!
Thanks! He is the most difficult thing to snap a picture of. I have never seen such a perky and active betta, but thats why I got him! I found him at walmart. They did this thing where the put the bettas out in one of the main aisles so now I'm forced to look at them and always tempted to buy them. He was so bright and alert in his cup I had to give him more space, so I took him home and plopped him in my 25-30g(?) I'm not quite sure HOW big it is, but somewhere between there. I keep trying to get a picture of him flaring but only half my tank is lighted and he seems to prefer the darker side. =/

A slightly better look at his coloring.
He is very handsome. Glad that he is enjoying life with you.
I like him! He is a handsome fellow and very lucky to have all that room. 

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