Warning! Severe Reaction To Freeze Dried Bloodworm.

betta fish

Fish Herder
Oct 8, 2008
Reaction score
Just thought I'd warn others out there who may have allergies as I do to never powder freeze dried bloodworm, I did yesterday and nearly had to go to hospital as I struggled to breathe.
I had heard ages ago about bloodworm allergies but it never dawned on me how severe it could be as I had never reacted to bloodworm in the past (namely frozen cubes or live) the freeze dried is a totally different ball game as it is easily inhaled.
I have just got a few white clouds and thought I treat them to the bloodworm but it was too large so you know where this is leading... I smooshed them with my mortar and pestle that I have and the rest is history, so please be careful folks, they really need to come with a warning.
I smooshed them with my mortar and pestle that I have and the rest is history, so please be careful folks, they really need to come with a warning
I used my hand to sort of smoosh them up, A few hours after touching it my hand looked like I stuck it in boiling water.
I now only feed frozen stuff.
Yes, thankyou I'm ok now although still congested, I know I have allergies mainly to pollen and cats but just never thought of this at the time I just don't want anyone else to go through the same thing it was horrible 
needless to say it's all been binned now along with the two pots I had seperated it into and all the brine shrimp cubes I had mixed in bit of a waste but hey ho.
I too have this allergic reaction, only to bloodworms of all the foods (so far anyway).  And in any form, frozen or freeze-dried.  And the same reactions as others have mentioned...rashes on hands, trouble breathing, itchy eyes...from inhaling the odour and/or touching them directly.
Oh wow. Thanks for the heads-up. I will steer well clear of these!
This is very good to know. Thank you. My husband is allergic to shrimp, so this could definitely be an issue. I was considering buying some too.

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