Username Change

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Fish Herder
Mar 29, 2013
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Is there any possible chance I could get the username "Sophie" because the name is already taken, but by an account that has 1 post and was last active in 2003..
Please and thank you :)
I don't think there is once a user registered under a name the name is taken for ever.
Tcamos has the power to change usernames but you must chat him up first :p
Well if an account is inactive, surely it can be dealt with, especially as it's been inactive for 9 years now. Makes sense - a lot of games do it! It's just name whoring otherwise :p

techen said:
Tcamos has the power to change usernames but you must chat him up first
*gets into her mermaid outfit*..
Sophie1992 said:
Well if an account is inactive, surely it can be dealt with, especially as it's been inactive for 9 years now. Makes sense - a lot of games do it! It's just name whoring otherwise
A lot of forums I've been involved with over the years, both as member or moderator had a rule of no activity for 24 months and account was deleted, non active members were emailed on a 3 month basis asking if they wanted to keep their account, on the 24 month if no response the account was wiped, I don't think after almost 10 years Sophie will be back, so I support your claim to the name
Shadders said:
Well if an account is inactive, surely it can be dealt with, especially as it's been inactive for 9 years now. Makes sense - a lot of games do it! It's just name whoring otherwise
A lot of forums I've been involved with over the years, both as member or moderator had a rule of no activity for 24 months and account was deleted, non active members were emailed on a 3 month basis asking if they wanted to keep their account, on the 24 month if no response the account was wiped, I don't think after almost 10 years Sophie will be back, so I support your claim to the name

Yeah! <3 
The mod team just finished a discussion on this topic and it was decided a member cannot change their username after reaching 60 posts. Sorry. :(
Whaaaaat :/ Take my post count away?!
You have 290 posts which is 230 beyond the cut off. Meaning if you had asked 229 posts ago we would have said yes... :)
Can you modify my post count? :p
What's the reason behind it?
I guess if you changed it after 60 posts people would already recognize you as Sophie1992.
Tbh, I don't know this ' other Sophie' and if they chop off the last 4 digits and you kept your picture we'd all recognize you.
If I changed my name and my profile picture everyone would be like ' he's a guy who registered ages ago and then ditched TFF for a bit. Now he's come back.... yay... ' :p
TallTree01 said:
I guess if you changed it after 60 posts people would already recognize you as Sophie1992.
Tbh, I don't know this ' other Sophie' and if they chop off the last 4 digits and you kept your picture we'd all recognize you.
If I changed my name and my profile picture everyone would be like ' he's a guy who registered ages ago and then ditched TFF for a bit. Now he's come back.... yay... '
Maybe it's a technical reason? It doesn't reset your post count if you change your name surely? I can't be the only one who's wanted a name change after 60 posts :(
And even more so, after 60 posts you are still getting "used" to the community and I certainly wasn't aware a name change was available until I looked through some older topics.
As a contributing member you should be allowed at least one name change.. 
It's not like it's to something completely different as TT said aha! :p
I guess we'll have to wait to hear the reason TT :p
Sophie1992 said:
Maybe it's a technical reason? It doesn't reset your post count if you change your name surely? I can't be the only one who's wanted a name change after 60 posts

No, it can be done quite easily and it would not affect your post count, but if the mod team have decide against it I suppose they have good reasons, personally I cant see a problem with it, like said its not like your asking to change to something totally different just drop 4 numbers off your name,  I cant see why they would want to keep accounts that have been inactive for so long, maybe total member numbers are more important than the number of active members,
Shadders said:
Maybe it's a technical reason? It doesn't reset your post count if you change your name surely? I can't be the only one who's wanted a name change after 60 posts

No, it can be done quite easily and it would not affect your post count, but if the mod team have decide against it I suppose they have good reasons, personally I cant see a problem with it, like said its not like your asking to change to something totally different just drop 4 numbers off your name,  I cant see why they would want to keep accounts that have been inactive for so long, maybe total member numbers are more important than the number of active members,
Oh right - well yeah I'm sure they do, but I still would like to know why :p
They should make money off it and charge foke for a name :p
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