Urgent Rehome Needed


New Member
Sep 1, 2013
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Hi, please excuse me barging in but sadly my cousin died 3wks ago, and has left a 6'8 tropical tank with fish! sadly my family and myself have no knowledge of tropical fish i am in trowbridge wilts does anybody have any ideas on what i can do to rehome them
Sorry to hear about your cousin, what are you trying to rehome (pictures will help us if you don't know the names of things.
I'm right on your doorstep, so may be able to help suggest some suitable rehome options for you.
I'm on your doorstep also - I know Amazon Aquatics in Warminster might be interested depending on stocking. Sorry for your loss.
I might be interested also, and what about equipment?
Amazon filled their tanks last weekend (I'm trying to get Mike to take some fry) but it would depend on what you had as I'm offering him a tank full and he may be able to fit stock alongside things (pending quarantine).
I could probably run up a couple of tanks, depending on what you had (smaller fish are almost always easier to rehome than bigger), so it may be that between Sophie and I we could help you out.
I know for a fact that Bath aquatics have an empty big tank at the moment, having just moved on some large fish, but they may have a plan for it. Haven't popped into the local Maidenhead recently.
I suggest you go on yell.com and search for all the aquatics stores and pet shops around you area. Ring everyone up and ask if they will take the fish. Explain your situation, and that its urgent. Once you have gotten rid of the fish you can sell everything else(tank, gravel, equipment, décor) on Freeads.co.uk, preloved.co.uk, gumtree, eBay, etc. Sorry for your loss.
OP; Rob and I have agreed on partnering up to help out 

DrRob said:
Amazon filled their tanks last weekend (I'm trying to get Mike to take some fry) but it would depend on what you had as I'm offering him a tank full and he may be able to fit stock alongside things (pending quarantine).
Top bloke is Mike, spent a good few hours chatting to him on more than one occasion - got my Fire Eel there, top notch!
tis a very good shop.
I don't pop in too often as I have to drive past acre's supply, and it's too far for me to travel if I'm on call, as I'm supposed to stay in a certain range in case of call outs.

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