A couple of weeks ago I was trawling the "tropical fish" section of Ebay and saw some stunning examples of Cichlasoma Festae's. Both an unbelievable intense colour and great shape. BUT too big and far too stroppy for me at this stage. However it got me thinking. Then, more recently I have seen some pics and videos of a cichlid species called Cryptoheros Nanoluteus. And it struck me that they were almost if not as beautiful but in a smaller package hehe.
I currently have a fully planted tank with CO2 injection and EI plant fertilisation along with a community of fish which comprises Corydoras Schwartzi, Corydoras Panda, Rummynose Tetra, wild caught Pentazona Barbs, Serpae Tetra, a trio of MFF Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish and a couple of Honey Gouramie. Its a lovely setup, BUT I really want a focal point. A pair of fish that are large enough to be clearly visible at all times, and that will hopefully breed but also get on with other inhabitants (not necessarily the ones in there now, although I am very attached to my Corydoras.
So what I guess I am after is something like the Cryptoheros that I mentioned, that will not uproot all my plants (again, the actual plants can change as can the need for CO2 injectiion but I do like some greenery in there), and which will get on with say the Corys and a shoal of dither/target fish (that are not swordtails or other such run of the mill fish).
I would really welcome any suggestions, along with links to any articles about setting up various types of cichlid tanks.
Cheers in advance
A couple of weeks ago I was trawling the "tropical fish" section of Ebay and saw some stunning examples of Cichlasoma Festae's. Both an unbelievable intense colour and great shape. BUT too big and far too stroppy for me at this stage. However it got me thinking. Then, more recently I have seen some pics and videos of a cichlid species called Cryptoheros Nanoluteus. And it struck me that they were almost if not as beautiful but in a smaller package hehe.
I currently have a fully planted tank with CO2 injection and EI plant fertilisation along with a community of fish which comprises Corydoras Schwartzi, Corydoras Panda, Rummynose Tetra, wild caught Pentazona Barbs, Serpae Tetra, a trio of MFF Dwarf Neon Rainbowfish and a couple of Honey Gouramie. Its a lovely setup, BUT I really want a focal point. A pair of fish that are large enough to be clearly visible at all times, and that will hopefully breed but also get on with other inhabitants (not necessarily the ones in there now, although I am very attached to my Corydoras.
So what I guess I am after is something like the Cryptoheros that I mentioned, that will not uproot all my plants (again, the actual plants can change as can the need for CO2 injectiion but I do like some greenery in there), and which will get on with say the Corys and a shoal of dither/target fish (that are not swordtails or other such run of the mill fish).
I would really welcome any suggestions, along with links to any articles about setting up various types of cichlid tanks.
Cheers in advance