Tropical Frogs

tia sinclair

New Member
Jun 6, 2011
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i have i tropical frog in my fish tank. what do i feed it? can anyone help.thx
Hi tia sinclair :)

I will be moving your thread to the Invertebrates, Amphibians & Aquatic Reptiles section. You will get more specific help there.

Do you have any frozen (or live) bloodworms? Whichever frog you have, it should eat them.
Yes granulated foods, daphnia etc. are good. Your run the risk of 'bloat' if you feed too much flake/dried food.

Its useful to know which species you have bought, as there are two comonly encountered:

the african dwarf frog
the clawed toad

Differences in behaviour, companionability, and eventual size are quite wide.
I have two African dwarf frogs. I have had them in the past also and had a difficult time getting them to eat and they always died. They didn't even seem to eat the frog food. I feed mine frozen bloodworms and they love them...they don't seem to be the smartest creatures though, sometimes I have to pretty much stick the bloodworms in their faces and hit them with the worms to get them to eat. Then it is cute to watch them they will scoop them into their mouths using their arms. Be careful if you have the albino clawed frogs! I was losing a lot of fish in one of my day I saw half a fish sticking out of the albino's mouth. They also love to jump out of the tank make sure the entire tank is closed, they always seem to find a way out. The albinos started croaking at night too.
Ok.... its african clawed frog (which can be albino or natural - both are commonly found in the trade) or an african dwarf frog which is still only commonly available in natural colorings.

Please post a picture for clarification

Also check the link in my signature about how to tell the difference.

Next time, research before buying a living animal! You should at least known the proper housing and diet needed for a living animal before taking on the responsibility of it's well being.
i need some more help on them :blush: the frog i think has a fungus on its back :huh:
have you figured out what kind of frog you have?

How big is the tank?
Is it fully cycled or cycling?
What fish are in the tank?
Have there been ill fish? What have the fish had?
Symptoms of both frog and fish?
Water change routine?
the fish have been dying alot. the frog is a african dwarf frog
ok tia, what about all the other questions I asked you? I asked for a reason - it gives us a much clearer idea of what you are dealing with so we can help you better and faster.

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