Tropical Fish Help!


New Member
Apr 13, 2013
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Hey guys I have recently added three guppies to my new 10gal tank.. they are doing well although i was just wondering if i could put a ghost knife in there with them or a clown loach or similar? any other suggestions would be appreciated like some cool snails or bottom feeders? thanks heaps. :)
Definitely not, black ghost knife fish are one of the largest (if not THE largest, if memory serves) knife fish and get ~20" as adults, demanding a heavily planted tank of about 100-125 for an adult.
Clown loaches are great as juveniles and they grow incredibly slowly but they get ~12" and need to be in schools of at least 6, meaning a 125gal for them as well.
These are fish with very serious demands as adults and a very poor choice for a 10 gallon. I'd say a 20 gallon as a very strict grow-out tank and nothing smaller.
If you want a cool bottom feeder, try some ramshorn snails or amano shrimp! Trumpet snails are cool too, they bury themselves in the gravel during the day and come out at night, covering the glass. It's pretty cool. You could also try a small school of 6 dwarf corydoras.
Isabella1996 said:
Hey guys I have recently added three guppies to my new 10gal tank.. they are doing well although i was just wondering if i could put a ghost knife in there with them or a clown loach or similar? any other suggestions would be appreciated like some cool snails or bottom feeders? thanks heaps.
A definite no-no for both the knife fish and the clown loach, I'm afraid.
Is it just the 3 guppies in the tank? Do you know what filter cycling is, and have you completed it yet?
If you have a look in this thread here, there are loads of ideas about what will work in a small tank like yours. Any further questions, please feel free to post 'em.
No no on any loaches, knives or catfish except for dwarf cories.
A fish that's like a knife?
Nothing they are unique.

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