Tiger Barb Sex Identification?


New Member
Oct 25, 2016
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Hey everyone, I'm new not only to here, but also to keeping tiger barbs! I know about the red nose is male and very round is female, but my tiger barbs are showing some signs of both. One of them is obviously female because she's very round, i think she may be carrying eggs, but the other two are quite slimmer, have the red line on the dorsal fin but don't have a red nose. What's up? I haven't decided if I'm going to try to breed them, but I'd like to know if there's any chance that there would be spawning between them without a breeding process.
Thank you!
what size tank?
how many?

If you have a spawning mop and lots a plants dont worry about breeding them. They will breed on their own.

To make sure you have enough of each sex put 8 in a tank and see which one lays eggs.

and to sex you have to wait till maturity

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what size tank?
how many?

If you have a spawning mop and lots a plants dont worry about breeding them. They will breed on their own.

To make sure you have enough of each sex put 8 in a tank and see which one lays eggs.

and to sex you have to wait till maturity

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I have a little school of 3, they all get along, there's been no nipping between them or the other fish (I made sure the other fish living with them were fast so they could escape if need be), just a lot of them playing tag. The tank is quite planted, unfortunately not with live plants though. I'd just like to know if the other two are males or females because they show signs of both.
Whats the tank size?

I would try to up the amount if funds isn't a problem, as if I know about what sex, I will need pictures.

Are they mature?

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Whats the tank size?

I would try to up the amount if funds isn't a problem, as if I know about what sex, I will need pictures.

Are they mature?

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They're temporarily in a 5 gallon tank, and are each about an inch in length, so that plus that I have only 3, I figured they'd be fine in a 5 gallon for the time being. As for pictures, i can try to take a few but my camera is very poor quality and the little raptors are fast!
I would upgrade to a 20 or 30

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I am planning on it once i have the funds available

Sounds Great, I didnt get the picture yet, so cant sex them yet and if they aren't mature I can help you. Knowing thst thye are only 1 inch they probably arent sexable right now

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Sounds Great, I didnt get the picture yet, so cant sex them yet and if they aren't mature I can help you. Knowing thst thye are only 1 inch they probably arent sexable right now

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I tried my best to get some good pictures


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I see that they are a little blurry, which is no problem, but the best way to sex them is wait until they are older

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Once fully mature, the differences between the sexes is pretty obvious, the males are much brighter with more red. When young, and at that size, they are young, sexing is difficult. Three is a very small group. Tiger barbs are very boistrous with each other, and anything else that happens to be there. When space allows, I'd deffinatley up the group size, but don't wait too long, otherwise the larger ones will be "overly boistrous" with the small ones and may kill them. A good sized group of tetrazona in a large enough tank can be very impressive. I always shy away from recommending tigers until the keeper has some experience with fish of that nature. Sad, because they look great, at least they can, there are an awful lot of very poor quality fish around.
Once fully mature, the differences between the sexes is pretty obvious, the males are much brighter with more red. When young, and at that size, they are young, sexing is difficult. Three is a very small group. Tiger barbs are very boistrous with each other, and anything else that happens to be there. When space allows, I'd deffinatley up the group size, but don't wait too long, otherwise the larger ones will be "overly boistrous" with the small ones and may kill them. A good sized group of tetrazona in a large enough tank can be very impressive. I always shy away from recommending tigers until the keeper has some experience with fish of that nature. Sad, because they look great, at least they can, there are an awful lot of very poor quality fish around.

Interesting you say older tigers can be more boisterous. In my tank I have 5 x 1 year old, 5 x 6 month old and 3 x 3 month old tigers. It's definitely the youngsters who zip about and are often seen nipping at the older ones who just seem too slow to move out of their way. l can't really understand why the older ones put up with the cheeky nipping and haven't fought back as I expected them to.

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