6 days ago I set up a 10 gallon tank and have been letting it naturally cycle. I decided today to go to my local pet store and check out some fish. The owner was there and was very informative and helpful... or so I thought. By the end of my visit he convinced me that fish-in cycle is the "natural" way to do it. I ended up walking away with 3 Tiger Barbs each about a heavy inch long. I was told these would be great fish for my tank! I realized I messed up as soon as I got home and checked Advert for another forum removed, smh. I really do not want to return my barbs as they have already been put through enough. They seem to be very content with each other swimming together in a group. As of right now I cannot afford a larger tank as i'm a broke college student
. I would be able to upgrade to a 29 gallon tank around spring time. I apologize for the long text and questions but i feel so responsible for these fish. What i'm wondering is:
-Will my tank setup be fine if i just leave the three in there until i can afford to upgrade?
-Would it be better to add 3 more barbs to bring my fish total to 6 so they can be in a school?
-What's the most humane way to cycle my tank with the fish now in it?
Thanks, any help is appreciated.
6 days ago I set up a 10 gallon tank and have been letting it naturally cycle. I decided today to go to my local pet store and check out some fish. The owner was there and was very informative and helpful... or so I thought. By the end of my visit he convinced me that fish-in cycle is the "natural" way to do it. I ended up walking away with 3 Tiger Barbs each about a heavy inch long. I was told these would be great fish for my tank! I realized I messed up as soon as I got home and checked Advert for another forum removed, smh. I really do not want to return my barbs as they have already been put through enough. They seem to be very content with each other swimming together in a group. As of right now I cannot afford a larger tank as i'm a broke college student

-Will my tank setup be fine if i just leave the three in there until i can afford to upgrade?
-Would it be better to add 3 more barbs to bring my fish total to 6 so they can be in a school?
-What's the most humane way to cycle my tank with the fish now in it?
Thanks, any help is appreciated.