The Insanely Boring Tank..... T-T



So I have a 5 gallong fluval spec (long) tank and I have 1 anubias afzeli to the left, couple low growers in the middle area. and one Asian water fern to the right side of the tank. the soil is a sand like substrate...
Plz someone suggest something and save this boring glass rectangle plz omg. I would post a picture but it wont let me, don't know why...?
Click on "more reply options" and see if it will let you post a picture that way
Upload the image to then paste the bit wrapped in IMG tags here.
You want this bit
k ill try, brb.
*activates nerd glasses* gunn4 h4k dis pictur3
later: ok so I did what you said, when I hit the "Image" Button on the reply text it opened up the insert URL and I pasted that an it didn't work :p just crashed...
later: ok so I did what you said, when I hit the "Image" Button on the reply text it opened up the insert URL
If you are asking me this.
When you copy the link with the IMG tags just paste the whole thing in the reply box  its already coded.
I feel so dumb (cri) also heres another issue im having (honestly this whole issue may be my PC but idk yet so) it wont let me Copy Or Paste anything into the reply boxes?
k here it is I hope

sorry its so small *fake cough* its pretty high quality I guess so any bigger wouldn't fit XD


  • nates_fish_tank_arkansas_1_013_402_1.jpg
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Dont feel dumb, I too had issues uploading photos when i first joined this forum, took me a while to get how it works.
I followed that link I linked in my earlier post, that solved it for me at the time. It is easier than you think really.
But I have heard folks who use tablets or iPads having issues uploading photos apparently, perhaps that may be something to do with what is happening with you?
Much easier if you use your laptop or PC to see how you can upload pics, then later try with ipad or tablet and smartphones etc.
rn im using a laptop, but the internet where is live isn't 100% quality, its more like 65% quality lol.

heres a better pic


  • nates_fish_tank_arkansas_1_013_402_2_209.jpg
    42.6 KB · Views: 280
yay, nice one, you have figured out the uploading pics part ;)
Thats not a bad set up really, though i need to ask, are these female betta splendens?
Looks like there is 4 or maybe 5 bettas in that pic?
If so, then I got to be the bearer of bad news, 5 gal tank is pretty much good for just one betta splenden :/
If you want a betta sorority, then imho at least a 15 gal long tank with lots of plants and broken lines of sights is a much better option for a sorority really.
"Bettas are extremely aggressive toward their own species. Male bettas should not be kept with another betta, ever. They will fight to the death."

"Female bettas can only be kept with other female bettas if a variety of conditions are met. Bettas, including female bettas, are solitary, territorial fish, which are more at home in individual tanks. If housed together, females must be kept in groups of four or more in an appropriately sized tank (ten gallons or larger) that has a lot of plants (silk or live) and a lot of hiding places. Keeping more than four female bettas together helps diffuse the aggression. A sorority set-up is not natural for the bettas, though convenient for the keepers, and they must be monitored closely. Some female bettas are just too aggressive to be kept in a sorority, even if the suggested guidelines are followed. It is important to keep an eye on such a set-up to make sure the bettas are safe and happy. It is recommended that only experienced betta keepers attempt a sorority."

Quoted from - Betta Splendens Caresheet
yea ik lol, we just moved. currently were setting up a 75 gallon tank. in the mean time there temporarily in there for about half a week. (sorry Bettas T-T) and yea there Betta Splendens
cant have enough fish emoji, I practically use it on every post
Nice tank. You need way more plants, Im talking like my 2 foot tank. And a few floating plants.
Yea, another topic in this topic:
What fish should I put in there, remember its a 5gallon. because when those bettas move and the cherrys and algae eater, its empty but itll eventually have more plants. the tank setup (as is now) is about 1 week old, so what should be in it next? shrimp?

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