The Fashion House Birthday Nano Tank!


Fish Crazy
Feb 24, 2009
Reaction score
Cheltenham, UK
Well its about time I started my journal, as the title says this my Birthday myself! It was going to be from the boyfriend but he does not want another tank in the house :no: (we have 1 tropical 26ltr, 1 brackish 60ltr..which is going to be upgraded to approx 300ltr in the future)
So after much persuading and not getting anywhere I bit the bullet and said fine I will buy it myself and thats that!
So after 2 days of him not really speaking to me I went to see Anguilla82's old nano that he has upgraded. And yep you guessed it I have said I will take it, so after much discussion and oggling :drool: over the upgrade I left a deposit and went home with a big smile.

So the boyfriend is now speaking to me...only because he thinks I have decided not to get one...because I didnt bring the tank home....he doesnt know I am going to pick it up at the weekend! so shhh its a secret! I plan to tell him it is coming home at the weekend hopefully tomorrow..or the nextday...or maybe he will read this! :sick: If so...sorry but I had to have it!

So anyway as this is going to be a birthday present to myself I am under my own strict instructions not to do anything to it until the 25t of may.

So now for the planning, Anguilla82 has kindly talked me through the tank...Im sure I will forget loads!

So far the equipment is -

1 D+D nano 29g
1 Visitherm heater
1 External Eheim Filter (oops forgot which one...the big one!)
1 Korilla nano
Upgraded lights...err 26w??? Please correct me Anguilla!
Upgraded pump
Nano stand (with plug sockets on the side)
Left over coral sand from the upgrade


I think that is it...might have missed something!

So the plan so far is to a, pick it all up next weekend....and wait! b, plan the other bits I will need to get it set water containers, where to get LR from, how to set the refugium up, where to get the extra test kits I will need (I already have saltwater API kit for my brackish tank), and mostly gain as much knowledge as I can before I start!

So prepare yourselves for question overload! Oh and picture overload...because I know everyone likes that bit!

I will try to keep this as entertaining as possible! Oh and I might edit this welcome bit after the boyfriend is ok with the tank as he will want to read it! so like I said....shhhh on that bit! :hey:

Any questions?...And Hello to all!

Welcome to the Salty Side GGUK
I feel a compromise comming on, some sort of trade with the BF.
I have already cooked him steak...Im cutting his hair in a minute..I wouldnt be that cruel!

I have said he can have a fish of his choice (as long as its reef safe and fits!)
yay welcome amie,

just to add to your equipment list:
the nano is 24g not 29g,
the eheim is a 2217,
lights are the standard 2 x 36w with an extra 24w unit added,
upgraded pump is an MJ1200
and there is also an 11 watt submersible LED unit.

looking forward to seeing what you do with it all.

They're a great bunch of people here on the salty side, and i doubt there's anything they don't know between them all!

Trust me, you wont upgrade your other tanks once you get into marine! Your more likely to sell them all and get a big marine tank1
Well I will be upgrading my Puffertank to full marine and approx 300ltr so that will be the big one, but thats not for a while yet. This one is to get me into it so I know what I am doing when it comes to the big one.
looking forward to watching your progress and hearing all about how you changed your bf mind :blush: If you have tried the steak dinner there is only one way left :blink: to a man's heart :rolleyes: bless em

Seffie x

Er Seffie...tried that..didnt work! I still havent told him.....maybe tonight! Might go along the lines of...ooh dont forget I am picking the tank up at the weekend and then walk out of the room!

I was thinking of how I should name things in my tank as I would love to have a theme.

I havent named any of my other fish except for one (super guppy, who has survived everything even a fish in cycle when I didnt know anything about fish!)

I was thinking Fashion designers like Dolce & Gabbana, Louis Vitton, Stella Mcartney etc.....What do you guys think?

Ps I am not a designer freak or anything I just think it would put a nice edge to my tank and would make for some interesting/funny stories like.....ooh today I caught Louis Vitton giving Stella a right good clean! (Shrimp, fish combo!)
:hi: to the salty side.

Love your tactics :rofl:

I would just tell him that you already told him, and its not your fault he can't remember :shifty: men never listen anyway :rolleyes:

Look forward to watching your progress. :good:
I tried those tactics too, I got mine bought for me.

Liking the name theme, mine are all Pharoahs and wives, will have to decide on some more names to use though, will need more.

I can honestly say, the don't you remember I told you a few days ago line, does work (although after having a brain tumour yrs ago his memory is affected) especially if you do it as they or you are leaving the house.

Have to agree with Trod though, men rarely listen, does he watch football, you could say you told him when that was on.
I rarely listen to the GF so it seems even though I think that I do! apparantly I ask q's about things shes 'already told me!'

Lookin forwards to the pics :) I'm going with a fawlty towers naming lol, manuel the cleaner shrimp :D

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