Fish Fanatic
So, I'll try and keep this story short. The picture above is my sister's tank. She's 13. Her bf is 14. Here's the thing. His parents are very wealthy, and they adore my sister, but they buy her whatever she asks for.
When she was 11, she wanted goldfish, so I got her two, but I knew they'd outgrow their tanks, and so, knowing I had a koi pond to put them in if she got fed up with them as kids do, I didn't mind.
After seeing my parent's tank, she wanted a new tank, but I said she should appreciate the big tank, but her boyfriend's parents bought her this small nano tank above. Long story short. I said she can only have snails because it's not big enough for fish other than beta, but I know they're difficult to take care of, so I didn't mention it. I let her plant it, and she wanted it like my parents. It's not the prettiest, but it's okay for her.
I visited my parents today to find out that her boyfriend's parents had bought her five white cloud minnows!!!! It's 16 litres!!
The tropical tank is 25 degrees. I know they're temperate, but they can't thrive in that. I read that people in the U.K. have had luck with them in their ponds, but I know my koi would see them as a tasty treat.
Suggestions please? No, I won't buy her a big tank lol