Fish Herder
Still thinking of the future. So far my tests have shown my brain is fine...Yay! But I do get to have a sinus surgery soon. Hopefully that will help.
Anyway...I technically have hard water. pH 8.2. GH and kh around 12-13.
If I can use this water I would rather use it(free well water after all!) If not...I am open to buying either distilled water from Walmart or their Primo water you can fill jugs up at the front of the store. I think it's RO water. Here is the link that talks about it.
So...I know one male betta can be happy. But I'm not sure I want another one(I can always change my mind...Lol.) I also like the orange shrimp quite a bit but not sure how well they would do in my water. Watched a YouTube video saying that the neocardinas like harder water...But it didn't say how hard. Lol.
I actually really like the blue(three spot) gourami. But if I'm not mistaken it needs a bigger tank than a ten? I don't know if a dwarf or a honey gourami would work or not(these would be the only fish in the tank as well. I would get nerite snails and Malaysian trumpet snails for clean up crew.)
Oh yeah..Sponge filter only in this as well. Planted tank(not sure with what yet). Plants will come first, fish after.
Anyway...If there are any other suggestions I'd appreciate them. I don't really want to breed anything either, so if any kind of live-bearers I would rather have only males. (I do like guppies but how many?)
Any other smaller fish that would be good? I kind of want one that would go all over. Just thinking...Lol.
Also,I will not get them from my local petsmart anymore. I will be probably getting them online, more likely at so...If you want to take a look and have some suggestions...Thanks! Lol.
Anyway...I technically have hard water. pH 8.2. GH and kh around 12-13.
If I can use this water I would rather use it(free well water after all!) If not...I am open to buying either distilled water from Walmart or their Primo water you can fill jugs up at the front of the store. I think it's RO water. Here is the link that talks about it.
So...I know one male betta can be happy. But I'm not sure I want another one(I can always change my mind...Lol.) I also like the orange shrimp quite a bit but not sure how well they would do in my water. Watched a YouTube video saying that the neocardinas like harder water...But it didn't say how hard. Lol.
I actually really like the blue(three spot) gourami. But if I'm not mistaken it needs a bigger tank than a ten? I don't know if a dwarf or a honey gourami would work or not(these would be the only fish in the tank as well. I would get nerite snails and Malaysian trumpet snails for clean up crew.)
Oh yeah..Sponge filter only in this as well. Planted tank(not sure with what yet). Plants will come first, fish after.
Anyway...If there are any other suggestions I'd appreciate them. I don't really want to breed anything either, so if any kind of live-bearers I would rather have only males. (I do like guppies but how many?)
Any other smaller fish that would be good? I kind of want one that would go all over. Just thinking...Lol.
Also,I will not get them from my local petsmart anymore. I will be probably getting them online, more likely at so...If you want to take a look and have some suggestions...Thanks! Lol.