Tannin from Indian Almond Leaves

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Fish Fanatic
Apr 19, 2004
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San Diego, California, USA
You know ... the indian almond leave some breeders use produce tannin and other acids, which can also be found in bannana leaves and guava leaves.

i tried experimenting with the bannana leaves, though it didn't make a tea like the almond leaves do (on top of that they became waterlogged and sunk the bubble nests lol)

anyone every tried using guava leaves?
i have never heard of using guava leaves but i know banana leaves are used commonly. indian almond leaves are still the preferred method but recently on another board a member mentioned the possibility of using oak leaves - "I don't know if you have read any of my post on leaves here but i started doing some research on them, and found that are oak tree leave here in the US , has simaler properties as the leave in Singapore. And also the Killie breeders use Oak leaves."
wish i knew how to test for tannin.

maybe i could sell leaves from my parents' bannana tree bwahaha

EDIT: its acctually my neighbors tree, but its extending into my yard and hes neglecting fixing it, so i guess its fair game :D

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