Tank Size/stocking Dilemas.


Mostly New Member
Jun 28, 2013
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What tank would be better for a planted aquarium? I have a 20 gallon long, and a 46 gallon bow front. I honestly cannot for the life of me make up my mind on which one to use for this. It also doesn't help that I need a new top frame for the bow front and I've been waiting for two weeks for it to come in and I'm getting impatient :(
I definitely plan on stocking two bolivian rams (intending on them to pair, or at least be friendly) a few nanus cories, black phantom tetras and cardinal tetras.
Please give me your opinions!! I hate being so indecisive haha
I'm going nuts waiting for this darn frame to get here lol!!!
Nope. The center brace cracked and then eventually broke :( so I called and ordered an entire new top frame.
hm that sucks about the breakage but ye i agree larger tank is great for planted just check my sig out for that :D haha, but you can do some cracking small scale tank scapes think i am going to go more into smaller tanks in the future :) moss crypts small plants :D
Id personally go for the deeper (front to back) tank, it allows for more decent scaping positions and depth creation.

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