Tank For My Aphyosemion Australe


Jan 1, 2007
Reaction score
Kingsteignton, South Devon UK
Hi, ive ordered in from my lfs some Aphyosemion Australe, and i should be picking them up tomorow hopefully i just wondered what i could have with them and whether the tank im setting up is right for them. (the tank is fully cycled)

This is what i am aiming for,

Dark sand
Plants(Ferns/Swords etc.)
a few rocks

and fish wise

2 Aphyosemion Australe 1m 1fm
5 Pygmy Corys
3 Oto's
and i want somesort of tetra i was thing galaxy rasbora's? maybe hmm dunno.any suggestions?

so does what ive added up sound right or not?


and then
it sounds good to me, not sur ewhat temperment aphromein australe is like but i found that when i had aphysomein striatum they couldnt be kept with other fish.

the corys and ottos should be fine

are u planning on breeding them?
yeh, ive seen lots of comunity tanks with them in and i dont think there one of the aggressive species,

im not at all planning on breeding, but if i get babies i get babies if they survive they survive im going to let nature take its course.

Consider floating plants such as indian fern and Salvinia.
Dont go with the ottos straight away wait until the tank is mature. This will maximise your sucess with these.
My personal fav Australe is the "Chocolate" variety, much more intense colouration IMO.
See my pinned topic at the top of this section.
Consider floating plants such as indian fern and Salvinia.
Dont go with the ottos straight away wait until the tank is mature. This will maximise your sucess with these.
My personal fav Australe is the "Chocolate" variety, much more intense colouration IMO.
See my pinned topic at the top of this section.

ok my lfs is fantastic for plants, today i got a nice extra larger java fern for £3 and a nice bit of bogwood and fern for £6, i shall look into some floating plants next time i visit.

Well i didnt get the killi's as they didnt arrive so they should be in this time next week but i got 5 pygmy corys and 6 threadfin rainbows (i asked for 5 and paid for 5 but got 6!)

the tank is very mature been running for over 6 months, housing various cory babies from other tank, guppy fry, ive also used it as a holding tank for new inhabitants fo my main tank. so i may get a couple otos and call it a day but i dont want to rush everything.

And when i ordered them there wasnt a choice of variety, but they said i get first pick and wont be for sale until i buy the ones i want so i will pick the brightest and best pair.

thankyou very much for all contributions :)

watch this space, pics to come when i have them!


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