This is Taino, my new betta.
He's currently in a 4.5gal with an internal filter, heater, a silk plant and some melon sword that my aquascaping CAE split into a few pieces, so now they're in the betta tank.
He's a dark red veiltail with some metallic bluish-purplish on his side, and black trim on his scales, though it doesn't show very well in the pictures.
Taino's quite the active betta, though he's also quite calm. I've only seen him flare a few times.
The tank is currently quite spartan, as I only got him Wednesday and haven't had time to gdo a proper scape, which explains the purple and blue gravel...
I plan on picking up some java moss and more swords and either putting in some new substrate or getting a carpet down, does anyone have suggestions on a low-maintanence carpet plant?
Anywho, here's some pics, enjoy!
He's currently in a 4.5gal with an internal filter, heater, a silk plant and some melon sword that my aquascaping CAE split into a few pieces, so now they're in the betta tank.
He's a dark red veiltail with some metallic bluish-purplish on his side, and black trim on his scales, though it doesn't show very well in the pictures.

Taino's quite the active betta, though he's also quite calm. I've only seen him flare a few times.
The tank is currently quite spartan, as I only got him Wednesday and haven't had time to gdo a proper scape, which explains the purple and blue gravel...

Anywho, here's some pics, enjoy!