Stupid Council


Fish Guru
Jan 26, 2008
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Perth, WA
Over the last 5 years or so my local council (the City of Canning) has chopped down most of the trees along the verge claiming they were going to be a problem to the overhead powerlines.
Last year a council tree actually fell on the powerlines and then my car. The council had left this tree but removed a much smaller one that wasn't even touching the powerlines only a few months before the incident. Again the smaller tree was removed because it was going to be a problem to the powerlines. The big one that was twice the height of the lines with branches overhanging them wasn't a problem but the smaller one definitely was.
At the beginning of this year the council poisoned all the shrubs and small trees I put in along the verge claiming they were going to be a problem to the powerlines. The plants I put in only grew to about 3 metres and would not have even come close to the powerlines. They even had the tags on them from the nursery stating how big they get.
This week the Canning council went and planted several hundred young eucalypts (gum trees) under the powerlines all over the neighbourhood. They didn't put any tree on the verge without powerlines, only on the verge with the powerlines.
Now considering the amount of crap they have gone on about removing trees so they don't do damage to powerlines, I am absolutely stumped as to why they would stick bloody great gum trees under the powerlines 6 months after they poisoned all my small ones. How smart do you have to be to look up and say, "hmm won't these cause problems to the powerlines when they get bigger? Maybe we should plant them on the other side of the road".
I must have the dumbest council in the whole wide world.

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