Stocking Suggestions?


New Member
Jun 17, 2014
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I have a 10 gallon tank. It's really new so I'm waiting two months before putting anything else new in it, but I have a male betta. I have had him for a few months now. I have the basic petco gravel, heater, filter, and some rocks and plants (I'll upload a picture), and these are what I wanted to add:
6 Neon tetras
4 harlequin rasboras
3 cory catfish
1 male betta

Would this work out????
No to tetras, too active, and I think the rasboras need a group of six at least. But they are probably to active for the small tank. The cories (corys) need at least six, but they don't do well in gravel and it can actually cause serious health problems for them. 
If you added all of those fish, your tank would be massively overstocked, and you would inevitably suffer problems with high levels of nitrate.
As stated, neons require a bigger tank. Harlequins again require a bigger tank, and would need to be in a group of 6+ You don't say which species of cory you are considering, however they again need to be in a shoal of 6+, and only 3 species are really suitable for a 10gallon. (pygmaeus, habrosus and hastatus).
There are a few species of fish that you could go with:-
Chilli rasbora (aka mosquito rasbora)
Celestial Pearl Danio
Emerald Dwarf Danio (aka Emerald Dwarf Rasbora)
Ginger rasbora or Phoenix Rasbora (I think those are its common names, scientific name is Bororas Merah)
Dwarf Rasbora
The top two are probably the most easily available within the aquatic retail trade.

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