Stocking Question Again....


Nov 23, 2012
Reaction score
Leeds, England
Sorry guys, I know you're probably sick of stocking questions but something has got to keep me busy while the tank is cycling.

I have a 40 (US)gallon tank and I'm planning the following:
10 Mixed Tiger Barbs (Tiger,Albino,Green)
4 Platys
2 Bolivian Rams

Based on the infamous 1 inch per gallon rule this is around 43.2 inches which given that I will be building the tank up slowly over 4-6 months, will be regimental with water changes and have a large external filter I think the tank will be able to take it.

Therefore my question isn't whether I am overstocked but whether there will be any conflicts between the fish chosen and how to introduce my fish. I was planning to introduce the Barbs first but don't want to drop ten in at once - if I introduce four for the first few weeks will they be OK or will they kill each other before the next few are added?

I know Tiger Barbs are notoriously nippy but hoping that a group of ten can keep them calm(ish).
I literally just started a new set up with tiger barbs at the weekend there. I got 10 tiger barbs, put them in at once and there all fine. A actually wish I got 20 now instead of getting other fish.

They are nippy, but as long as there in a decent sized shoal, they should keep to themselves. And as long as you don't get any fish with long fins, ie, gourami-angelfish, as tiger barbs like to bite them off.
I'm worried about overloading my filter with ten new fish at once - I'm not going to add any until I think the tank is fully cycled but worried that 10 will cause an ammonia spike.

Equally worried that adding say 4 to start with will cause a whole world of problems.
If you are waiting for your tank to cycle, I presume you are doing a fishless cycle? How much ammonia are you dosing? If it's 5ppm, you should be able to add all the tiger barbs at one go. 5ppm ammonia is used as it will grow more bacteria than a fully stocked tank will need. In theory, you can fully stock the tank as soon as the cycle has finished, and gone through a qualifying week, though I think it's better to get slightly less than the full stocking straight away. With your proposed stocking, it should be fine to get the barbs all at once if you are cycling with 5ppm ammonia.
If you are waiting for your tank to cycle, I presume you are doing a fishless cycle? How much ammonia are you dosing? If it's 5ppm, you should be able to add all the tiger barbs at one go. 5ppm ammonia is used as it will grow more bacteria than a fully stocked tank will need. In theory, you can fully stock the tank as soon as the cycle has finished, and gone through a qualifying week, though I think it's better to get slightly less than the full stocking straight away. With your proposed stocking, it should be fine to get the barbs all at once if you are cycling with 5ppm ammonia.

Yes I am currently doing a fishless cycle

I am currently dosing at around 4ppm but given that the shades of green look quite similar on the test kit it could be anywhere between 3 and 5. I was scared away from doing more than 4 as was told anything over 6 could stall the cycling.
Doing a fishless cycle, dosing to 4ppm, once the cycle is complete, and you have completed the qualifiying week, you will be fine to add the 10 tigers all at once, IMO.
With a fishless cycle, you add ammonia until the filter can process the ammonia to zero ammonia and zero nitrite within 12 hours of adding the ammonia. But it has been known for either or both to show up again for a day or two. If there were fish in the tank when this happened, it could harm the fish so it is advisable to keep adding ammonia daily and measuring the ammonia and nitrite levels after 12 hours for a week after you get double zeros. This is called the qualifying week. It is just to make sure the filter is definitely cycled before you get fish.

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