Stocking List

The December FOTM Contest Poll is open! Fish of the Month
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Mar 9, 2012
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I have a 75 gallon that just cycled, has 8.0 ph 78degrees. I stocked it yesterday from a local cichlid specialty store according to their recommendations but i'm wondering if my list is ok and what else I should add to it. My goal is all male hap/peacock

So far:

3 wild caught synondontis multis
1 blue regal peacock
1 blueberry ob peacock
1 strawberry peacock
1 rube red peacock
1 blue orchid peacock
1 sulferhead peacock
1 sunshine peacock
1 hai reef peacock
1 yala yellow swamp hap - this one i'm confused on
2 bristle nose plecos

what is this fish? It looks different than all my others, twice the size eyes, different body shape ect...... i'm thinking its the yala swamp ???? since thats the only non peacock i have.
Pics suck but it will not sit still for nothing



I Googled the name and it showed lake Victoria cichlids. Your fish doesn't look like any Victorian cichlid I've ever seen.
Definitely a yala swamp hap according to pet store, we'll see how it turns out lol It may be leaving the tank though, its taking charge and I dont really enjoy it over the peacocks so if he keeps chasing everyone hes gonna be gone. I also added an albino eureka and a intermedius to the tank. I think thats my final list. I tried a freyri and a fire blue hap but they were to much, to many fights and what not.

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