Stocking List Compatability?


New Member
Feb 27, 2011
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Hi i'm switching my tank over to a Malawi set up and would like your opinions on my choice of fish.
The tank is a 4ft bow fronted 260ltr with a sand substrate and to be added lots of rocks and caves. My list:
Labidochromis Caeruieus/ yellow Lab
Pseudo tropheus Sauiosi
Pseudo Elongatus Flavus
Cynotilapia Afro Hara
Labidochromis Mbamba
Cynon Alfra
Red Zebra
All at a ratio of 1 Male to 2-3 Female.
In addition I'll be adding a few plecs or (sucking loach)(recommended by me LFS)
Cheers Phil.
Just a thought, but choosing less species and getting more of a few of your favourites is probably a good idea. (I have heard this line too many times, but it's true)
The list will be trimmed to 4 or 5 with a group of 5 or 6 of each. I'm just checking on there compatability to each other.
Cheers for the advice agk2000.
The pseudo saulosi, labidochromis caeruleus and the red zebra will all be an issue due to slightly similar colouration with the females. Especially the caeruleus and saulosi, so i think the best thing to do would be to choose 1 out of these 3 species. Again with cyno afra's the females look very similar so id choose one or the other. I mean its entirely up to you, you may not be fussed that the fish interbreed but if you do have them breeding i wouldn't advise selling the fry on (plenty of hybrids out there already) :good:

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