Fish Fanatic
Hey everyone. ive been fishkeeping for a long time now and im planning the stocking for my 110 gallon tank way ahead of time. The tank is 5 feet long, 2 feet tall and 18 inches wide. Im looking for suggestions for new world/american cichlids. I have a list that i would like to see in the tank ( i know i wont get all of them! im not crazy!), and im just looking for some help with the numbers of fish. These are what im looking for,
albino oscar
Electric blue jack dempsey
Green terror(Basically a must have)
Red texas
Jaguar( would love if this would work)
and a bichir
Also, would any of these work with a featherfin catfish? Thanks everyone
albino oscar
Electric blue jack dempsey
Green terror(Basically a must have)
Red texas
Jaguar( would love if this would work)
and a bichir
Also, would any of these work with a featherfin catfish? Thanks everyone