Stocking 75G


Fish Fanatic
Oct 2, 2014
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Tenative stocking list:
Angels x4 (Already have)
Black/white skirt tetras x6 (Already have)
Pearl Gourami x6
Some kind of bottom dweller x3-6 (Thinking Pictus Cats)
My skirts aren't nippy in the least before you even ask. They get along fine with the young angels. (around the same size as full grown skirts. I've had that school for over a year, they've even had a betta friend for a while, while it's tank was cycling, with no issues.)
Tank setup:
2 Fluval canister filters (1 305 and 1 306, no carbon)
2 75g rated aquarium heaters
40lbs of Eco-complete
40lbs of black sand (with some old gravel mixed in)
2 air stone strips
1 standard T8 light (looking into better lighting)

Nitrate: 10ppm Nitrite: 0 ppm Ammonia: 0 ppm Kh: 107.4 ppm (6 drops) Gh: 143.2 ppm (8 drops) Ph: 7.4
Hi, sounds like a nice sized tank - I have a few reservations on a few of the choices though... I would add more to your Tetras, get a school of around 10, mix the blacks and the whites as it does look good :) A big school will really bring out your Angels confidence as they get older and a big school always looks awesome. Angels, should be ok just watch as they grow if it becomes obvious that two would rather have the tank to them selves maybe split the 4 up to avoid long term nipping and squabbles.
I worry slightly that the Gourami and the Angels would cause problems with each other with both of them in good numbers, the main reason being that they are both intelligent species that inhabit the upper levels of the tank and they will all want territory of some kind. I would probably look at a trio of the Gourami with 1 male and 2 females, this may work but it can be problematic.
For the bottom dwellers, I would not suggest the Pictus, they have very big mouths and could end up snacking on your Skirt Tetras... something like Hoplo Catfish or Flagtail Catfish would work really nice as would a group of nice Cories - I really like Smudge Spot Cories atm, saw some at an LFS the other weekend as was really tempted. A lot of the black and white species look really good and in a big group add real impact to a tank. An other bottom dweller I like are Whiptail Catfish, really active fish and a lot simpler to keep than other sucker mouth fish, and they dont produce as much waste as plecs. There are some really stunning ones like Lamonicthys and Sturisoma and some really obscure ones like Pinochio and Spoon Faced :)
Hope it helps
Wills said:
Hi, sounds like a nice sized tank - I have a few reservations on a few of the choices though... I would add more to your Tetras, get a school of around 10, mix the blacks and the whites as it does look good
A big school will really bring out your Angels confidence as they get older and a big school always looks awesome. Angels, should be ok just watch as they grow if it becomes obvious that two would rather have the tank to them selves maybe split the 4 up to avoid long term nipping and squabbles.
I worry slightly that the Gourami and the Angels would cause problems with each other with both of them in good numbers, the main reason being that they are both intelligent species that inhabit the upper levels of the tank and they will all want territory of some kind. I would probably look at a trio of the Gourami with 1 male and 2 females, this may work but it can be problematic.
For the bottom dwellers, I would not suggest the Pictus, they have very big mouths and could end up snacking on your Skirt Tetras... something like Hoplo Catfish or Flagtail Catfish would work really nice as would a group of nice Cories - I really like Smudge Spot Cories atm, saw some at an LFS the other weekend as was really tempted. A lot of the black and white species look really good and in a big group add real impact to a tank. An other bottom dweller I like are Whiptail Catfish, really active fish and a lot simpler to keep than other sucker mouth fish, and they dont produce as much waste as plecs. There are some really stunning ones like Lamonicthys and Sturisoma and some really obscure ones like Pinochio and Spoon Faced

Hope it helps
i've read that the pearl gourami, specifically, do well with angels, could be wrong. Pictus were a loose concept. I like whiptails, but have never seen them at any fish stores near me, would have to order offline and it's starting to get cold where I am. Not a fan of cories. Used to get my numbers
I have a 90gal with 11 angels, a BGK, 12 Black widows tetras, 2 platinum gouramis (male and female), 1 albino bn and 1 common bn
In my tank the gouramis are peaceful with the angels and vise versa. If the tanks wasnt fully stocked i would be very tempted to add another 3 gouramis.....the gouramis spend most of their time annoying each other, no time to bother anyone else lol

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