Stock My Tank - Suggestions For 55 Gallon


Mostly New Member
Sep 27, 2013
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So I cannot decide what I want to stock in my new 55 gallon freshwater tank. Kind of like aquarist writer's block ugh! Originally I wanted large schools of small fish like danios, tetras, rasboras etc but also want to dabble in larger species maybe even a few centerpiece fish

I really would like recommendations for stocking. Specs are:
55 gallon
Aquaclear 70
20 gallon sponge filter
Lava rock mountain scape
Small malaysian driftwood
Plants - wisteria, green cambosa, dwarf baby tears, almond leaves
Target pH range 7.8-8.2
What sort of fish are you interested in?
If it was me, I would either do a biotope or a community tank. 
One biotope I'm thinking of doing in the future, is one from Thailand, with stocking consisting of Ghost Catfish, Kuhli Loaches and Harlequin Rasboras.
That sounds so cool!!!

I dont know there are just so many options.
I was thinking maybe angels but that would probably limit options a bit.

On one hand I want smaller fish to make the scape more grand in comparison.
Then I see gouramis and angels and other bigger fish and want to go big.

Then i want to go all live bearer like mollies and guppies the next instant!

Ultimately I will probably want colorful, peaceful larger fish to contrast with the green wisteria and huge negative space created by the mountain scape.

My pandas have made it clear the 20 long planted I started with will be panda central.
Spawning a third time in 2 weeks. Here she is laying 3 more eggs.
Aww, that's so cute! You must be doing something right :p
Yes, there are many options! Very overwhelming!
What about....
10x Rummynose/Cardinal Tetras (if the latter, you could have one or two more)
A pair/trio of Pearl Gouramis.
12x Kuhli Loaches.

Forget about the tetras, just saw where you have very hard water (Like mine).
A livebearer tank is probably your best bet! 
I think i will get 3 gouramis and some mollies. Possibly fancy guppies?

Yeah other than doing water changes a little more frequently im doing nothing different than the past 6 months.
Found the perfect background :)
Island sky


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