Something Has Gone Horribly Wrong ? :(


Fish Fanatic
Jan 4, 2012
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Ok so you may or may not have seen my last thread RE fancy goldfish gasping etc here :

well i starved them for three days did partial water changes every day and all has been improved. Today was there second day of feeding . I gave them a small amount of flake which i soaked . yesterday they only had a pea .

water changed this morning and gravel vacced . water tested fine at 7 pm tonight ammonia 0 nitrite 5 nitrate . and fish were swimming and scavaging in the gravel all seemed well. Until that is i just seen my bigger fantail sat on the bottom so i look for the other hes also sat on the bottom. both look very sorry for themselves. I've never seen them sat on the gravel before. What has gone wrong now . water was temp matched via thermometers they have been fine all evening i turned the lights off two hours ago all seemed fine . i haven't turned it back on since i saw them down in case I stress them out and tbh im too scared too in case i find them dead. I will be devestated . I have no idea what to do !!
Ok so you may or may not have seen my last thread RE fancy goldfish gasping etc here :

well i starved them for three days did partial water changes every day and all has been improved. Today was there second day of feeding . I gave them a small amount of flake which i soaked . yesterday they only had a pea .

water changed this morning and gravel vacced . water tested fine at 7 pm tonight ammonia 0 nitrite 5 nitrate . and fish were swimming and scavaging in the gravel all seemed well. Until that is i just seen my bigger fantail sat on the bottom so i look for the other hes also sat on the bottom. both look very sorry for themselves. I've never seen them sat on the gravel before. What has gone wrong now . water was temp matched via thermometers they have been fine all evening i turned the lights off two hours ago all seemed fine . i haven't turned it back on since i saw them down in case I stress them out and tbh im too scared too in case i find them dead. I will be devestated . I have no idea what to do !!

If your nitrIte is really 5, then that is very bad and you need to do a large water change now. If you meant your nitrItes were 0 and nitrAtes were 5, then that would be good water conditions as long as it has been dechlorinated.

Have you seen them poop in the last few days? If so, does it look normal or is it white?

EDIT: OK, I remember these fish now. You are using Tetra Aquasafe? Maybe the problem is there, perhaps you should try a different dechlorinator like Prime. You want to be sure and not overdose too much on dechlorinator also. What temperature are your fish?
NitrAtes are 5. Yes they have been pooing fine not white . more brown/black like i say the have not long since finished a three day starvation.

It seems so odd they still have full colour no visble marks /sores /streak of red and gills look fine ... nothing yet they look miserable :blink:
NitrAtes are 5. Yes they have been pooing fine not white . more brown/black like i say the have not long since finished a three day starvation.

It seems so odd they still have full colour no visble marks /sores /streak of red and gills look fine ... nothing yet they look miserable :blink:

Since they are both acting odd together, it seems like the water is offending them for some reason. If they were sick, I couldn't see them being synchronized with their up and down spells unless it was something in the environment. You don't do any pH tweaking or anything? Plant ferts?
NitrAtes are 5. Yes they have been pooing fine not white . more brown/black like i say the have not long since finished a three day starvation.

It seems so odd they still have full colour no visble marks /sores /streak of red and gills look fine ... nothing yet they look miserable :blink:

Since they are both acting odd together, it seems like the water is offending them for some reason. If they were sick, I couldn't see them being synchronized with their up and down spells unless it was something in the environment. You don't do any pH tweaking or anything? Plant ferts?

No never my ph is low 6-6 but these fish have been used to that . so i thought best not to mess with it being new to the hobby incase i did more harm than good . It's so frustrating because while i cant find whats wrong I cant help them . I feel useless

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