Snail Antennae


Fish Addict
Feb 24, 2007
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I was looking at my mystery snail and noticed that his antennae look shorter then they did when I bought him a week or two ago. Is this suppose to happen or did maybe one of my fish bite them off? He is in a 48 gallon with 1 hi-fin platy, 4 Black long-finned skirt tetras, 1 gold killifish, 1 Florida flagfish, 4 Cherry Barbs, 1 Farlowella, and 2 Dojo loaches. Also, will his antennae grow back?
It's possible the loaches had a go at him, but we can't realy know for sure.

I don't know if snails can regenerate antennae. Hopefully they can. :crazy:
This is generally due to something eating them. What you wil probably find is that fish eat them until the antennae become too fat to fit in their mouths. It doesent really bother snails too much, they just keep them under their shells.
They can "regenerate" them. id be looking at the american flag fish and loaches as culprits.
I've heard the same thing. Actually the snails hardly even notice, and they
will just grow back. My frogs also try to bite at my snail but he pulls himself in too quick. :good:

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