Sick Goldfish - Any Ideas?


New Member
Mar 24, 2017
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So I noticed one of my fish was swimming close to the surface and very lazily to the point whereby he was virtually vertical and taking air from the surface of the tank. It was only using enough energy to basically keep itself stationary and swimming with fins firmly clamped. The other fish had clearly noticed this and were starting to nudge and nip at him so I removed him from the tank.

I was able to lift the fish by hand out of the tank and in to a temporary quarantine container I use for such occasions whereas a fish would normally flip and try to avoid being removed from the tank but I just dont think he had it in him to protest.

I've also noticed black marks on the top of his head which he didn't normally have. All the other fish seem fine.
How big is your tank? How long has it been set up for? What are your water parameters I. E ammonia?
550L or 145 gallon with 5 fancies. Tank has been running for about 8 months and parameters where okay but I did a water change just to be on the safe side as my first thought was ammonia burn.
The black spot on goldfish caused by poor water qualities.
Do 75% daily water changes, add salt; table salt, pool salt or aquarium salt (if you use table salt make sure there is no Iodine added to it) at dose rate of 2 table spoon per 20 litres of water.

And yes, I copied @Colin_T works just like @PheonixKingZ did :rofl:
Don’t use table salt no matter what. Others may argue with me but I stand firm on that. Aquarium salt or pool salt will work. Add 1 tablespoon per each 5 gallons of water. It will help with gill function. Do as said above regarding water changes. 75% daily for 10 days and see how he does. I have goldies too and love them. That’s a nice one that you have. How often do you clean the tank and how much water do you change? Colin_T May have more to add.
Its a good job I dont pay for water, 75% daily for 10 days is a lot of water. I have aquarium salt so thats not a problem.

Typically, I do a 25% weekly water change and then every fourth week move it to 50%. Using Seachem Prime as dechlorinator and Stability along with Purigen in the filter.

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