Someone gave me a ten gallon tank a little over ayear ago that already had a pleco about 3 or 4 inches in it. about 3 months ago i got a twenty gallon as well. about a month ago the pleco I got died. I went in today to get another one and the woman at the store pretty much told me not to. saying that they will get up to 18 inches and my tank is way to small and I should get two of some other kind of fish instead. I understand that they get big. I grew up with fish tanks and I have friends who have some very large plecos. but doesnt it take a while? I mean my 4 inch one has been that size for the year I have had him. In all the time i have talked to people who keep fish i have never heard anyone say not to get a pleco that is less than two inches because it is going to get big some day. I am not against the idea of trying something different, I just wanted another oppinion.
Today I moved my pleco into the 20 gallon tank so I am trying to figure out what to do for the ten. in the ten I have 3 tetras and 3 cherry barbs. in the 20 I have guppies. any advice?
Today I moved my pleco into the 20 gallon tank so I am trying to figure out what to do for the ten. in the ten I have 3 tetras and 3 cherry barbs. in the 20 I have guppies. any advice?