Shell Dwellers


Fish Crazy
Apr 11, 2012
Reaction score
Somewhere in the middle of nowhere, Norfolk, UK
Having followed Salam's 'tell me about shell dwellers' thread for some time, I am pretty interested in them.
I have very hard, pH 8 water, and the tank used would be 10-20 Gallons.

I like the look of:

Neolamprologus signatus
Neolamprologus caudopunctatus
Neolamprologus multifasciatus
Neolamprologus similis

I would like them to breed, and don't want ones that are ridiculously agressive.

What, from this list or your own ideas, would you guys recommend as a species?

Thanks, Sam

PS. Can you bury the shells yourself with just a small opening visible or do you have to just scatter them around? I know it's a bit random but just wondered.
I can reccomend the Multis, I kept a small colony in a 10 gal set up until I moved them to a 200ltr tank,they bred in there and were not aggressive at all ,the 20 ltr you mention would be a better option,regarding the shells just put them in, the multis will sort them out themselves,I would probably start with 1 male and 3 or 4 females wont take them long to start a little colony
Lamprologus stappersi/meleagris!

I can reccomend the Multis, I kept a small colony in a 10 gal set up until I moved them to a 200ltr tank,they bred in there and were not aggressive at all ,the 20 ltr you mention would be a better option,regarding the shells just put them in, the multis will sort them out themselves,I would probably start with 1 male and 3 or 4 females wont take them long to start a little colony

Awesome, thanks! Did they breed in the 10gal?
Oooh, I have inspired someone to do a similar tank :blush:

Well, I wanted to update my thread anyway. I now have multifasticus and they are much less aggressive. They are doing very well. I got 7 only as there weren't any more, but I am sure they will breed. Just make sure you get enough shells if you go for multis.

As you have probably read, the occellatus were mega aggressive and two bullies killed the rest, hence I returned them. Apparently it is very common for them to be so aggressive, so unless you are prepared to put up with several deaths and a few tries I'd stay away. They were cool to watch though.
Yes bred successfully in the 10 gal no problems, started with 6 and doubled their numbers by the time I moved them to a biggr tank after a few months,just give em plenty of shells (e-bay good source) to set up homes in
The two main differences between the two, Similis grow slightly larger 2" for male similis compared to the multies 1 1/2" and the similis are more aggressive so if you go for them go for the 20 gal tank
I got my shells from here, absolutely brilliant:
Good luck with what you decide, I would love to see picture. I eally like black ocellatus

48 for £10(ish) delivered. Far better value.

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