Sharing my tank pics...with a little history.


New Member
Nov 8, 2017
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Tempe, Arizona
This is a pic of my 55 gallon, 2 years ago when I had a lot of fish and plants, in Mesa. Relatively speaking, these fish lived for a while, a few of them are still alive and in my current tank.
55 gallon angels.jpg

I moved to Tempe and set up my tank for discus. This next pic is the tank during the cycling period. The following one is not a great quality pic but it shows the discus.
20170210_165504 resize (2).jpg discus resize rotated.jpg

When I moved to Tempe and set up the discus tank, I transferred what fish were left to a 30 gallon tank.
20170316_213116 resize 30 gallon.jpg Some of these are still alive and back in the 55 gallon. After the discus died, I removed the discus additives by changing the water completely and re-cycling the tank.

Here are pics of my tank currently. :-(
curr 55.jpg curr fish.jpg close up.jpg

Here are pics of my success before moving to AZ
Z750a42987 texas 4 resize.jpg Z750a42989 texas 2 resize.jpg
Nice how long did the discus live before they died and what did they die of

Thank you! :)

At first I thought the issue was my heater malfunctioning. It spiked to 90+ degrees Fahrenheit within the first few days. (32+ degrees Celsius) I added some ice to cool the water a bit while I performed a water change to get the temp back down. I bought a new heater right away and attributed the first round of deaths to the temp issue. The seller replaced them for free because I have been such a good customer and he felt bad for me - I was very upset . LOL

The second round of discus, for the most part, didn't even last a week ... a couple were dead on arrival, others would swim crazily from top to bottom (literally up and down) on the sides of the tank, others would just hang out at the top in the corner. Eventually they started staying at the bottom then died. One or two of them lasted a few weeks to a month. And the third round of discus were a little bigger than the first two rounds and killed the smaller ones that lasted a few weeks to a month. Then the bigger ones died pretty much the same way - swimming crazily or hanging at the top. I felt like a mass murderer at that point!

I really don't know what caused their death. I am assuming the water conditions. The person that sold them to me lead me to believe that my whole house water filtration system, the plants, rocks, and wood and the two additives (black water and a discus formula) would be fine for them. In other words, he said I didn't need reverse osmosis water or specially filtered soft water.
Great photos, Bubble! What species are the fish with grey heads and yellow tails? They're visible in the sixth and seventh photos.


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