Sexing Red Honey Gouramis

Young Honey Gouramis aren't that easy to sex...excited mature males are more intensly coloured...males fractionally bigger...females fractionally fatter...also, it is always the male that builds the bubble nest!

Hope this helps!
Also, I'm not sure what color morph of the honeys you have but the males willd evelop a blue-black coloration when in breeding condition and the females are wider when viewed from above. With young fish, your best bet is to compare the birghtest and dullest (but healthy) fish. The brightest are likely to be male. Similarly, fish with slightly pointier dorals, as opposed to rounded edges, are usualy male. You can't realy sex honeys accurately until they are mature.
Thanks Sylvia, that solved a question we had about our Gouramis (we have Red Robin Gouramis but I've seen them called everything and assume these are the same as Red Honey Gouramis?) We have two and sometimes their colour can really darken and almost look black on their fins - we weren't sure if this was normal. I suppose the only shame is that they both go blue black so it looks like we may have two males - at least they get on!

Thanks :cool:

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