Securing Moss/plants On Wood


Fish Fanatic
Sep 11, 2013
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Hi all,
I bought a lovely coconut shell with java moss on a while ago.. It grew so well and very quickly I had to trim it.. Idiot me put it in my waste water from a water change to get out the loose strands I've just cut. I then forgot about it in there and vigorously threw away the water and shell meaning all the moss became detached..
How would I go about attaching new moss to it?
Also just bought some red moor wood which is soaking ATM - I'd like to have some of the branches carry moss. Ive seen a method involving Greek yoghurt believe it or not!!
Any tips would be greatly appreciated :)
I've used fishing line and rubber bands to secure plants, you can remove them once they attach themselves to the rock/driftwood, I've also heard of people using superglue to attach plants.
Dont use rubber bands, Pretty sure they'll just fall to bits etc in the water.
Super glue or string is the best.
techen said:
Dont use rubber bands, Pretty sure they'll just fall to bits etc in the water.
Super glue or string is the best.
thanks very much.. Any type of superglue? or are all types aquarium safe ?
I use black thread myself. It's easier for me to tie than fishing line and a bit less harsh on the plant. More control.
tcamos said:
I use black thread myself. It's easier for me to tie than fishing line and a bit less harsh on the plant. More control.
cool thanks, can that be used to attach java moss? moss seems a bit flimsy and not much to attach to
It can. Java moss can also be attached to needle point canvas by sort of weaving it through the holes on the larger sized. 
ADW1988 said:
Dont use rubber bands, Pretty sure they'll just fall to bits etc in the water.
Super glue or string is the best.
thanks very much.. Any type of superglue? or are all types aquarium safe ?
Any superglue made of cyanoacrylate is safe.
I use superglue or fishing line.  For moss I cut it into tiny bits first then wrap fishing line around it which gives denser regrowth.  You might find it tricky to wrap fishing line around a coconut though...! but it works very well for branches.
Incidentally the yogurt is used in the dry start method or DSM but I haven't had the guts to try that yet - it can look beautiful if you get it right otherwise you'll just get mould.
Thanks Daize and Diddlebug will give that all a go.
I think I found some fishing line still attached to the coconut so maybe the did use that...
Cheers for all advice..

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